Inca pays tribute to Marc Ferragut, an illustrious son of the town

Jan 10, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition, Uncategorized

On Sunday, Inca’s Teatro Principal hosted a tribute to Marc Ferragut, on the occasion of his appointment as an illustrious son of the city of Inca. The Inca native received the highest distinction awarded by the City Council of Inca on 20 July 2020. “An illustrious son usually receives this honour for his exceptional work within a particular field, but Marc Ferragut went much further than this. Marc Ferragut’s name is linked to excellence and perfectionism in all areas, be it cultural, business, education, economics or politics. Ferragut is the son of Inca, he loved Inca with all his heart and wanted progress and impulse for the city of his love”, said the Councillor for Culture Alice Weber.

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For his part, the mayor of Inca noted during his closing speech that “the appointment as the Illustrious Son of the city of Inca to Marc Ferragut Fluxà has meant making a further step in our collective historical narrative and recognize with all honours, the importance of his legacy when it comes to consolidating a way of making people. Ferragut was an enterprising person and his modernising spirit and human values tinged each and every one of his projects.

Thus, the event began with a performance of “Cant dels Ocells” by the Orfeó l’Harpa d’Inca. The biographical book on Marc Ferrut Fluxà, written by historian Miquel Pieras Villalonga, was then presented.

In addition, during the tribute, the portrait of Marc Ferragut by the Inca artist Catalina Salas was also exhibited and will remain on display in the plenary hall of the city building. Marc Ferragut’s grandson, Marcos Ferragut, was responsible for addressing a few words to the people who attended and publicly expressed his gratitude on behalf of the whole family.

The Orquestra Simfònica de les Illes Balears (Symphony Orchestra of the Balearic Islands) was responsible for bringing this emotional tribute to Marc Ferragut, organised by Inca Town Hall, to a close. During its extraordinary concert, the orchestra performed pieces by Baltasar Samper and Franz J. Haydn.