The Platform against Megacruises installs the first sensor of the citizen air quality control network.

Jun 5, 2022 | Post, Current affairs, Featured, Obituary

To better understand the impacts of the gases emitted by these ships, it is organising a talk with the German organisation Nabu.

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The Platform Against Megacruises continues with its campaign “Out of Scale”, emphasizing these weeks on the polluting impacts (on the environment and health) of cruise ships, with the slogan #ForaFums.

In this sense, this week they have installed the first of the sensors that will make up the citizen network for monitoring air quality. Another 9 sensors are expected to be installed in the coming months in different parts of the city, in order to provide citizens with independent, up-to-date and rigorous data on air pollution in the city. These sensors will be installed thanks to the technical advice of Barry Byrne, founder of the Plataforma Sóller por el Aire. In this municipality in the Serra de Tramuntana there is already a citizen air monitoring network in operation. The sensors installed by the Plataforma contra los Megacruceros will be added in Palma to those already installed by the Asociación de Vecinas de Canamunt. This information will be crossed with the cruise ship scales, which the Platform monitors on a daily basis, in order to be able to draw conclusions about the real impact of the cruise ships on the environment and the health of residents and visitors.

The installation of this sensor network has been made possible thanks to the contributions received through the crowdfunding campaign launched by the Platform in April and the support of the German environmental organisation Nabu. This organisation presents its annual ranking of cruise ships. It is a report that evaluates the cruise ship market along European coasts in relation to the sector’s polluting emissions, one of the most important environmental problems of this industry.

One of the representatives of this entity, Christian Kopp, will give a talk next week on the impacts of cruise ship emissions on the environment and public health. The talk, organised by the Plataforma contra los Megacruceros, will take place next Tuesday 7th June at 4 pm, in an online format (via the Youtube channel of Palma XXI, one of the organisations that make up the platform). Arcadio Barbas, retired chief engineer of the Merchant Navy and a great connoisseur of the polluting impacts of cruise ships, will also speak.