Traffic intensifies alcohol and drug controls this week

Aug 9, 2022 | Post, Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

From today until Sunday 14th July, the Directorate General of Traffic is launching a new campaign in which it will intensify its vigilance on the risk posed by the combination of alcohol and/or drug consumption and driving.

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The consumption of these substances is one of the main risk factors in traffic accidents, as stated in the 2021 Report on Toxicological Findings in Traffic Accident Victims drawn up by the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences with the collaboration of the National Road Safety Observatory and presented just a few days ago by the Minister of Justice.

The Report, with the toxicological analysis of 90% of fatalities in traffic accidents, shows that in 49.4% of those who died on the road in 2021 the presence of alcohol, drugs or psychotropic drugs was detected, alone or in combination, and that, in addition, 75% of these positive drivers had a very high blood alcohol level, equal to or higher than 1.2g/L, which correlates to very severe intoxication.

For this reason, with the aim of making progress in the prevention of road accidents, for a week, the agents of the Traffic Grouping of the Guardia Civil (ATGC) will intensify controls on this risk factor, which causes almost a quarter (24%) of fatal accidents. To this end, different checkpoints will be set up on all types of roads and at any time of day with the aim of preventing people who have consumed alcohol or drugs from driving on the roads.

In addition, in order to discourage drug consumption while driving on all types of roads, Traffic has invited local councils with more than 25,000 inhabitants to join the campaign by setting up controls in their respective urban centres.

For several years, the DGT has been working with local councils and developing a plan to support local police in alcohol and other drug testing, providing training courses and equipping them with the tools to carry out drug controls. The participation of local authorities in this area is essential in order to carry out surveillance as close as possible to the areas of consumption and thus avoid greater exposure to risk.

Zero tolerance for these behaviours
Although Spanish society is becoming increasingly aware of the risks involved in alcohol and/or drug consumption at the wheel, the reality is that it is still present in a large number of traffic accidents, which is why this type of campaign continues to be essential.

The DGT insists once again that the only safe limit is 0.0% as, even with blood alcohol levels within the legal margins, our risk of causing an accident may be increased.

Furthermore, 0.0% is the limit, both in blood and exhaled air, which must be respected by underage drivers who drive any vehicle following the entry into force of the reform of the Traffic and Road Safety Act last March.

Particularly at this time of year, when holidays and local festivities are combined and alcohol consumption is commonplace, it is also important to emphasise zero tolerance of this type of behaviour to prevent people who have been drinking or have taken any type of drugs from getting behind the wheel and, in any case, to always avoid getting into a vehicle in which the driver is in such a condition.