Inca Town Council hires 7 people as part of the SOIB Jove: Qualified-Local Entities 2022 project

Oct 6, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Inca City Council starts October with the hiring of 7 people, who will temporarily join the municipal staff thanks to the SOIB Jove: Qualified-Local Entities 2022 programme. This project is aimed at unemployed young people under the age of 30 who have a university degree or higher vocational training.

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“The aim of this initiative is to encourage and facilitate the integration into the labour market of young people who, despite having excellent qualifications, are unemployed. The people hired will participate in the development of the different projects that are carried out in the Town Hall, always with the collaboration of the technicians”, explains the Councillor for Training and Employment, Alice Weber.

Pilar Ortiz, director of the SOIB, took advantage of the event to congratulate the Qualified Young People and encourage them to take advantage of the opportunity that this project offers them. “A twelve-month contract that offers them the chance to start applying the knowledge they have been trained in, to get to know the public administration and expand their CV, while at the same time providing a service to the public,” Ortiz emphasised.

Thus, among the profiles hired are six women and one man who were unemployed with the following degrees: Degree in Journalism, Degree in Law, Degree in History of Art, and Degree in Labour Relations. In addition to the university profiles, a post has also been filled by a person with a vocational training qualification as an advanced technician in Administration and Finance.

This programme promoted by the SOIB involves an investment of €287,179.30, of which €257,850.60 has been financed by the European Social Fund (ESF), in the framework of the Youth Employment Operational Programme 2014-2020, and the Sectorial Conference of Employment and Labour Affairs. The contracts will last for 12 months and the workers will carry out their duties in different departments of the council, in accordance with their training.