The Balearic Water Council approves the second cycle review of the Flood Risk Management Plan

Oct 7, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition, Uncategorized

The councillor for the Environment and Territory, Miquel Mir, chaired the Balearic Water Council on Thursday, where a favourable report was given on the second cycle review of the Flood Risk Management Plan for the Balearic Islands. The document will be sent to the Consell de Govern for initial approval and subsequently forwarded to the Ministry of Ecological Transition, which will have to approve it in the Council of Ministers.

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The planning instrument for the next six years – which correlates with the Hydrological Plan – has four main lines of action. Thus, the proposed measures are adapted to the context of the climate emergency and are focused on promoting risk culture among the population and institutions, focusing on prevention measures. Likewise, the measures are framed in the achievement of an improvement in knowledge as well as seeking solutions based on nature, leaving aside artificial constructions to deal with floods.

Mir stressed the importance of having this Plan, “which adapts to the climatic reality we live in, not only through the measures taken but also by actively promoting a culture of risk among citizens”. “We have to live with the fact that zero risk does not exist and that, therefore, prevention is our greatest ally when it comes to minimising the possible consequences”, added the councillor.

The budget foreseen for the actions of the second cycle is 133 million euros. The largest annual investment planned is focused on preventive measures, followed by protection, preparedness and, finally, recovery.

Among the planned actions are measured to reduce the risk of flooding in the ses Planes – Ca n’Amer torrent in Sant Llorenç, as well as actions in the Gros and na Bàrbara torrents in Palma. On the other hand, it should be noted that the actions will prioritise nature-based solutions (NBS), such as river restoration or natural water retention measures.

The improvement of knowledge is another of the objectives of the second cycle of the Plan through the modelling of phenomena, the improvement of the cartography of the Areas of Significant Potential Flood Risk (ARPSI) or the inventory of existing defence works. Likewise, at the regional level, the aim is to promote a culture of risk through communication campaigns to raise public awareness of the need for prevention, as there will never be zero risk.

The Balearic Islands Hydrographic Demarcation has 11 ARPSIs of fluvial origin and 32 of coastal origin.