Son Espases Hospital invests 12.5 million euros in the remodelling of the Clinical Analyses Laboratory

Oct 8, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition, Uncategorized

These improvements will increase patient safety, improve the precision and accuracy of results, and reduce response times.

This investment has made it possible to renovate and update the CORE, create a Sample Management Unit and renovate the area of the extraction.
The Hospital Universitario Son Espases has invested 12.5 million euros to modernise, renovate and update the Clinical Analysis and Haematology laboratory in Son Espases Hospital.

This action is part of the 29 million investment made by the Health Service of the Balearic Islands for the renovation of equipment in the laboratories of the hospitals of the Autonomous Community. Son Espases Hospital is the reference laboratory and, after this investment, is one of the largest automation chains in Spain.

The new laboratory will improve patient safety, improve the precision and accuracy of results and reduce response times, especially in such sensitive areas as the Emergency Department, where 90 per cent of the results are ready in less than an hour at Son Espases Hospitak

The remodelling of the Laboratory in Son Espases Hospital has led to the modernisation of the Extractions Area, the creation of the Sample Management Unit, and the renovation and updating of the CORE, the central laboratory with the most significant number of samples.

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The Regional Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs, Patrícia Gómez, accompanied by the Director General of the Health Service, Manuel Palomino; the Managing Director of Son Espases, Josep Pomar; and the Head of the Clinical Analysis Service, Isabel Llompart, visited the new laboratory facilities this morning. Also present at the event were the deputy director of Hospital Care and Mental Health, Francesc Albertí; the deputy medical director of Central Services, María Hernández-Coronado, and the deputy director of Nursing, Pablo Martínez.

Renovation and updating of the CORE, the central laboratory at Son Espases Hospital

The CORE is the core of the laboratory and is where samples are processed with maximum automation and the use of digital tools that improve operational capacity. This automation system, a regional reference, integrates the pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical processes, improves traceability, ensures the quality of the process, and thus allows the implementation of optimisation strategies in the analytical process.

This system allows response times of less than 60 minutes for 90% of urgent analyses, 90 minutes for samples from oncology patients, 4 hours for hospitalised patients or 24 hours for primary care patients, with the consequent benefits for patients.

Automation is a working tool, but the work of all highly qualified professionals in their responsibilities is essential for the proper functioning and development of the laboratory.

Creation of the Sample Management Unit at Son Espases Hospital

The new Sample Management Unit registers, classifies, distributes and archives 7,000 samples per day and acts as a multidisciplinary laboratory that provides services to the rest of the Hospital’s laboratories. This unit improves the use of samples, reduces the number of extraction tubes and guarantees traceability and patient safety, as the location of the sample is known at all times. If necessary, the sample can be searched for and further tests can be carried out.

55 % of the samples come from primary care, 23 % from inpatient units, 14 % from outpatient clinics, and 8 % from other hospitals.

Modernisation of the Sample Collection Unit at Son Espases Hospital

The majority of the hospital’s outpatient collections are centralised in this area. The laboratory staff attends to an average of 180 patients a day, with high patient satisfaction rates, and responds to more than 250 requests. A queue management system has been installed to reduce waiting times and a series of measures have been taken to promote patient comfort and privacy.

Quality, safety, efficiency and innovation are the hallmarks of the Son Espases Clinical Analysis Laboratory.