Fundación General CSIC obtains 8 million euros to develop a project on prolonging the autonomous life of the elderly.

Oct 31, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition, Uncategorized

The project uses artificial intelligence to study how an active lifestyle can be extended as much as possible during the ageing process.

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The Fundación General del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (FGCSIC) has signed a collaboration agreement with Goya Global Holding (GGH) to develop a project on extending the autonomous life of the ageing population. The two entities have been working for the last six months on this public-private technological collaboration project promoted by the FGCSIC. Ramón Torrecillas, Director General of the FGCSIC, and Sergio Vidal, CEO of GGH, have agreed to develop cooperative projects in which the private sector will invest more than eight million euros. To this sum will be added the expected public contribution.

The Life Data project explores how the autonomous and active life of the elderly can be prolonged as much as possible in their ageing process, using data directly obtained in a transparent and non-invasive way during their daily activity. Through the application of advanced architectural space sensing and artificial intelligence technologies, this project aims to create a data space that respects the sovereignty, security and privacy of the elderly. The exploitation of this data will make it possible to act on the elderly population to maximise their vital autonomy and activity, and to maintain their health at optimal levels. This will make it possible to make the public health system more sustainable and provide it with greater quality.

GGH has teamed up with the FGCSIC to transform housing into a “home that takes care of you” as part of its strategy to expand its senior living project, Forum/The Comm, a citizen science experience. Its clients are mostly fully autonomous elderly people for whom GGH wants to offer help to remain independent for as long as possible. The company’s initial plans include the construction of 2,000 rental homes incorporating the developed technology. In the first phase, GGH is providing around one million euros to finance the proofs of concept that will make way for the pilot that will constitute the second phase. The aim of this agreement is to incorporate a non-invasive and transparent sensorisation system for each home, which will enable early signs of frailty to be detected through the processing of the data obtained and to propose personalised interventions to delay the onset of dependency as much as possible.

Beyond its business application, Datos de Vida, as an initiative for the digitalisation of health services, will allow its gradual extrapolation to the rest of the population, facilitating the prevention of multiple pathologies, remote care of chronic patients and the prolongation of active and healthy lives. In this sense, the project has generated great interest on the part of doctors Leocadio Rodríguez Mañas and Pedro Abizanda Soler, widely recognised internationally in the field of geriatrics. Datos de Vida also directly involves María Dolores Puga González, from the Research Group on Ageing at the Institute of Economics, Geography and Demography (GIE-CSIC) and Luis Magdalena, from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, vice-president of the Spanish Society for Artificial Intelligence and Vice-President for Technical Activities at the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society.

About Fundación General CSIC

The Fundación General CSIC is a private non-profit organisation whose purpose is to promote public-private collaboration in the field of scientific research and innovation. The aim is to enhance the value of scientific knowledge, especially that generated at the CSIC, in order to turn it into a useful tool for the market that creates innovative products, processes and services that increase the welfare of our society.