The Health Service awards one hundred and fifty-two positions in the orderly category.

Nov 9, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition, Uncategorized

The Health Service has awarded one hundred and fifty-two positions in the orderly category. Specifically, there are ninety-nine temporary positions and fifty-three long-term positions.

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The award ceremony for the temporary interim and long-term statutory appointments in the Mallorca sector took place today in the auditorium of the Hospital Universitario Son Espases.

One hundred and twenty-nine positions have been awarded in Mallorca: eighty-seven for Son Espases, twenty-two for Son Llàtzer, thirteen for the Hospital de Manacor, six positions for the Hospital Comarcal de Inca and one for SAMU 061. All of the contracts will begin on the 1st of December.

The appointments in the Ibiza-Formentera and Menorca sectors were awarded by telephone and managed directly by the management offices. The 23 orderlies in these sectors have been working since 1 November. Specifically, eleven are working at the Mateu Orfila Hospital in Menorca, ten at the Can Misses Hospital and two in primary care on Ibiza.

These positions are in addition to the one hundred and eighteen positions awarded in September by the Health Service for auxiliary nursing care technicians (TCAI).