The Ministry of Science and Innovation has published the final resolution of the first call of the NEOTEC Women Entrepreneurs programme, which will award 4.9 million euros to 20 business projects led by women through the Centre for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI).
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The Minister of Science and Innovation, Diana Morant, stressed that the aim of this call is to promote technological entrepreneurship in our country and encourage women’s leadership in the field of science, technology and innovation.
Specifically, the NEOTEC Women Entrepreneurs call promotes the development of technology-based products or services and the launch of new projects of innovative companies whose management body is mainly made up of women, which contribute to entrepreneurship and accelerate the transfer of knowledge from public research organisations and universities.
The beneficiary companies of this call will receive a grant of up to 250,000 euros and their projects belong mainly to the field of information technology, health, transport, biotechnology and industrial sectors.