The International Week of Science and Peace was first celebrated in 1986 as part of the International Year of Peace. The organisation of celebrations and activities for the Week was undertaken as a non-governmental initiative and given its success, the organisers continued their efforts in successive years.
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In recognition of the value of this annual celebration, the General Assembly adopted resolution 43/61 in December 1988, in which it proclaimed an “International Week of Science and Peace”, to be held annually during the week of 11 November. The General Assembly urged Member States and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to encourage relevant institutions, associations and individuals to sponsor conferences and other activities promoting the study and dissemination of information on the links between scientific and technological progress and the maintenance of peace and security; and requested Member States to promote international cooperation among scientists.
The annual observance of this International Week contributes greatly to the promotion of peace and encourages greater academic exchange on a subject of universal importance, while at the same time raising awareness among the general public of the relationship between science and peace. In addition, the week is expected to increase participation and, as a consequence, opportunities for cooperation in the applications of science for the promotion of peace throughout the year.
The Week is preceded by World Science Day for Peace and Development on 10 November.