The Council has approved the purchase of the Aucanada power plant for 300,000 euros.

Nov 11, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview, Post, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition, Uncategorized

Councillor de Juan affirms that the institution wants to lead the reconversion of this strategic area and stresses that it is a “historic opportunity that we should not miss”.

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The plenary session of the Consell de Mallorca approved the purchase of the Aucanada power station for 300,000 euros this Thursday. The two properties that make up the plant will become public property once the sale process is completed, with the signing of the corresponding deed of sale.
The Councillor for the Presidency, Javier de Juan, has assured that the Consell wants to lead the reconversion of this strategic area, a reconversion, he remarked, which has been demanded for a long time and which should be in line with the Alcudia Tech Mar project, promoted by the town council, which is committed to a new model linked to the green economy.

“This is a historic opportunity that should not be missed,” said de Juan, who explained that this place should become a reference point for innovation, a focal point for diversification and transformation of the production model to meet the challenges of climate change through the decarbonisation of the sea.

De Juan also expressed his satisfaction, as the acquisition of the estates by the Consell will allow for the proper preservation of the whole complex. In addition to the immediate start of decontamination work on the plant, which is expected to begin in the first quarter of the year, and to prevent the land from being managed according to criteria contrary to the public interest of the citizens of Alcudia and Mallorca.

On the other hand, the management of the land under criteria of public utility and subject to the general interest will make it possible to develop projects for the recovery of social and public use of the whole area and the application of adequate funding from Next generation funds to promote transition and sustainability projects. “In this case we can speak of a quadruple sustainability: heritage, environmental, economic and social,” said de Juan.

The Consell de Mallorca’s objective is to dedicate the land to uses that generate consensus among the citizens and the administrations themselves, taking advantage of the financing resources that are already planned to be obtained, according to the programme of the Spanish Just Transition Fund 2021-2027 and the Next Generation Fund. De Juan also pointed out that the properties have been valued at 8.3 million euros and the estimated cost of decontamination at 5 million euros “so we have achieved the first of the objectives, the preservation of the fundamental principle that the polluter pays”.

The Council of Mallorca exercised its right of first refusal under Article 32 of Law 12/1998 on the historical heritage of the Balearic Islands, for reasons of public interest, which had already been expressed previously by the technicians of the Institution, on the occasion of the initiation of the proceedings for the declaration of the plant as an asset of cultural interest.