This catalogue, which has been drawn up by the Ministry of Equality in conjunction with the autonomous communities and cities, aims to advance the institutionalisation and permanence of the commitments of the State Pact against Gender Violence.
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The Sectoral Conference on Equality CSI, in which the General State Administration (AGE) and the autonomous communities are represented to work on the prevention and eradication of the different forms of violence against women and on the care of its victims, has approved the Reference Catalogue of Policies and Services on Violence against Women.
The Secretary of State for Equality and against Gender Violence, Ángela Rodríguez, chaired the meeting, accompanied by the Government Delegate against Gender Violence, Victoria Rosell, and the Director of the Women’s Institute, Toni Morillas.
Rodríguez pointed out that the approved catalogue “is a minimum catalogue. This means that those territories that are more advanced in policies and services for the protection of violence against women can continue to make progress, but always with a minimum floor and, above all, it means forcing in a specific direction those territories that still have many steps to take in this area”.
A principle which, as the Secretary of State explained, is “very useful” in terms of guaranteeing the collection of data and the compilation and dissemination of statistics on all forms of violence against women, including children and adolescents.
Policies and services in the catalogue
The Reference Catalogue of Policies and Services on Violence against Women, drawn up respecting the legitimate exercise of the competences of all territories, seeks to continue the policies and services on prevention and awareness-raising regarding all forms of violence against women; comprehensive social assistance and reparation for all victims; protection and access to justice; and the coordination, participation and promotion of transversality in the response by the three administrative levels.
In terms of prevention and awareness-raising, this catalogue addresses education at all levels, stages, degrees and university curricula, establishing that the content of the curricula must include a training itinerary on gender equality. In addition, protocols for detecting the different forms of violence against women are implemented in all areas: education, health, social services, residential or day centres, and family meeting points.
With regard to the system of specialised comprehensive assistance and reparation, of an outpatient and residential nature, for victims of all forms of violence in the Istanbul Convention, the commitment is reinforced to ensure that these services have multidisciplinary teams specialised in the field of violence against women and that they work in a coordinated manner, thus fostering collaboration between the different administrations.
Furthermore, access to these resources and services will not, as a general rule, be dependent on legal action being taken. Within the scope of assistance and reparation, the Reference Catalogue of Policies and Services on Violence against Women also includes aid and benefits aimed at favouring the economic autonomy and employment of victims.