In 2021, 110 new cases of HIV were diagnosed in the Balearic Islands.

Dec 13, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

287 people on the Islands have already benefited from the HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) programme.

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A total of 287 people in the Balearic Islands have benefited from the HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) programme since 2021, according to data from the Directorate General for Public Health and Participation, which, on the occasion of World AIDS Day on 1 December, stresses the importance of sex education, prevention and early detection of this disease, which continues to generate new infections.

By islands, 225 people have benefited from the PrEP programme in Mallorca, 15 in Menorca and 47 in the Pitiusas.

In 2021, 110 new cases of HIV infection were diagnosed, 10 fewer than in 2020. Of these, 87 were detected in Mallorca, 11 in Menorca and 12 in the Pitiusas. The annual rate (9.38 per 100,000 inhabitants) is the lowest in the entire 2003-2021 annual series.

From 2003 to December 2021, 2,952 cases of HIV infection have been diagnosed (82% men and 18% women), of which 83.2% (2,457 cases) correspond to Mallorca, 4.4% (129 cases) to Menorca, and 12.4% (541 cases) to Ibiza and Formentera. The downward trend in the number of cases in both sexes continues.

Approximately 90% of the accumulated cases since 2003 in which the route of transmission is known are associated with sexual transmission (98% in 2021), consolidating the low incidence in people who inject drugs.

Regarding the distribution of cases by transmission category in the cumulative cases, the first group in a number of cases in men who have sex with men (MSM) (1,294 cases, 43.8 %), followed by heterosexuals (1,158, 39.2 %) and people who inject drugs (288 cases, 9.8 %).

Among men, MSM account for 54% of cumulative cases since 2003, heterosexuals for 30% and injecting drug users for 9%.

In women, 82% of diagnosed cases are due to heterosexual sex and 11% are injecting drug users.

Moreover, 63 % of diagnosed cases are under the age of 40. The average age at the time of diagnosis of cumulative and non-paediatric cases in the Balearic Islands is 37 years old. However, in recent years the average age of cases has been around 40.

Prevention, diagnosis and the fight against stigma

In the Balearic Islands, the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs, thanks to joint work with other institutions, associations and society in general, develops programmes and actions aimed at HIV prevention on different fronts:

-Comprehensive sex education in schools, which includes respect for sexual and gender diversity.

Early diagnosis and treatment to reduce the transmission of the virus, which improves the quality of life of those infected, reduces HIV-related illnesses, mortality and the transmission of the infection to other people.

-Promotion of condom use, with special attention to young people.

HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis: the programme is now available on all islands. There are currently 243 people in follow-up and 287 have benefited so far.

-Fighting stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV: although there has been great progress over the years in both treatment and prevention, there is still stigmatisation of people living with the infection. This discrimination is a violation of human rights and leads to inequalities in law, health, access to the labour market and housing, among others. Discrimination is a major obstacle to prevention.

The Directorate General for Public Health and Participation recalls that it is in the hands of society as a whole to eradicate HIV transmission and improve the lives of people living with HIV. To achieve this, the commitment and collaborative work of the whole of society is needed.