\ An additional 370,500 euros will be allocated to different programmes to maintain or create employment in the sector.
\ Two programmes focus on the creation of micro-cooperatives and investments in new technologies.
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The Consell de Govern, at the proposal of the Conselleria de Model Econòmic, Turisme i Treball, has given the green light to an extension of the call for grants aimed at promoting the social economy and supporting the maintenance of jobs in this sector, in order to improve the competitiveness of cooperatives, micro-cooperatives and worker-owned companies and thus boost the sector. The line of subsidies has been increased by €350,000, bringing the total subsidy to €675,500.
The call for proposals was approved last July and the budget increase is explained by the good reception that the line of aid has had in the social economy sector.
The public aid of this call, now extended, is structured into four programmes, of which those referring to the maintenance of jobs (up to €140,500) and the programme for the incorporation of working or working partners and the incorporation of founding partners have been increased from the €80,000 approved in July to €440,000.
This call for subsidies also includes two more programmes to support the social economy. On the one hand, the €15,000 line is maintained to subsidise the costs of creating new micro-cooperatives and, on the other hand, €60,000 is earmarked to help these companies invest in new technologies.