\ President Francina Armengol lays the first stone of a new intergenerational development of 18 public housing units in Esporles.
\ It is the first public housing development in the municipality and will consist of 18 one-bedroom homes.
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The president of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Francina Armengol, the councillor of Mobility and Housing, Josep Marí, and the mayor of Esporles, Maria Ramon, today laid the first stone of the first public housing development in the municipality. It consists of 18 one-bedroom dwellings (approximately 45 square metres), two of which are adapted for social renting, which will be used to cover temporary housing needs.
During the event, the president took stock of the construction of public housing in the Balearic Islands and recalled that by the end of 2022, 204 public housing units will have been handed over to families on the islands, with 551 more under construction. Francina Armengol highlighted the fact that this development is for public housing, “a fact that means that the elderly and young people have community spaces and which is in line with the way we understand society, where one takes care of the other”.
The President of the Govern recalled that “next year’s housing budget will increase by 70% thanks to European funds compared to this year’s” and stated that “the political will is to invest more and more in housing because it is a real need for citizens and we have to continue at this rate of construction during the next legislature”. Finally, the President of the Govern thanked the collaboration of the town councils that, like Esporles, have donated plots of land for the construction of public housing.
The new development
The new building will have 18 one-bedroom homes, two of which will be adapted for people with reduced mobility. The building will have a ground floor and two floors and will combine private spaces with communal areas. The target group for these developments are people with temporary housing needs, especially young people and the elderly.
The development will be built on a site donated by the Ajuntament d’Esporles and is expected to cost 2,746,175 euros. The construction period is 16 months.
The project, like all IBAVI projects, includes environmental measures that will allow for the highest possible level of self-sufficiency. With the aim of making the homes as sustainable as possible, they have passive climate strategies, such as the incorporation of air-conditioned rooms in winter and coolers in summer, to reduce energy demand without sacrificing comfort. Priority has also been given to the use of local products in their construction.