The Ministry of Science and Innovation, through the Carlos III Institute of Health (ISCIII), has earmarked 325 million euros in 2022 to boost biomedical and health R&D&I in Spain.
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Of the total investment, the ISCIII has granted 248 million euros through the Acción Estratégica en Salud (AES) 2022, the main annual tool for funding biomedical and health research in Spain. This investment is 5% more than the previous year.
The other 77 million euros, up to 325 million this year, are grants corresponding to previous years for biomedical and health R&D&I in Spain.
Strategic Action in Health (AES) 2022
The AES 2022 has financed a total of 24 types of grants, some of which are part of the Strategic Project for Economic Recovery and Transformation (PERTE) for Vanguard Health and supported by European funds from the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
These 24 grants include subsidies for projects and contracts, such as the Sara Borrell, Río Hortega, Miguel Servet, Juan Rodés, Health Research (PI), Technological Development in Health (DTS), Intensification of research activity and Mobility, etc.
Also, the Precision Medicine grants and the two Infrastructure and Equipment grants, as well as new innovative calls launched this year, such as the ISCIII-CDTI Action in Personalised Precision Medicine and Advanced Therapies and the two ISCIII-HEALTH Seal of Excellence grants.
In addition to the total investment, a further 45 million euros will be allocated to the CERTERA call for proposals for the selection and funding of entities for the development of Advanced Therapies.
This call, which is already open and is expected to be resolved in the first months of 2023, finances the creation of a scientific-technical infrastructure in an R&D&I network capable of bringing together, coordinating and amplifying, under the coordination of the ISCIII, existing capacities in advanced therapies.