The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Environment resolves the call for INEA 2021 grants for an amount of more than 9 million euros

Jan 2, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Environment has published on the website of the Agricultural and Fisheries Guarantee Fund of the Balearic Islands (FOGAIBA) the provisional proposal for aid for investment in agricultural holdings (INEA 2021), a call that was convened by the Resolution of the President of FOGAIBA of December 17, 2021 (BOIB 174 of 21/12/2021) and in which 405 applications were submitted, of which 143 projects have been financed out of a total of 325 files that met the established conditions and did not present deficiencies. The budget requested is over 15 million Euros.

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The call for INEA 2021 grants

In this regard, it should be recalled that this call for aid had an initial budget of 6 million euros and that on December 2, 2023 it was increased by 3,326,806.40 euros after holding a meeting with the sector and agreeing on this increase. In total, the budget is 9,326,806.40 euros, which is the amount now proposed to be granted.

The counsellor Joan Simonet wanted to remember that “one of the top priorities of the legislature was to resolve the pending calls for aid as soon as possible, and this is what we are doing because we want to provide the sector with all available resources”. In addition, in the words of Simonet, “we have also promised to reduce bureaucracy to the maximum and facilitate the management with the Administration and we continue taking steps in this direction”.

According to the proposal published on the FOGAIBA website, the total amount requested has been granted to 123 files; for 20 files a partial grant has been proposed and 182 have not been granted aid.

In this sense, from the Conselleria de Agricultura, Pesca y Medio Natural we want to remind you that these proposals will be exposed on the web until January 12. It should be noted that it is important that if someone with a grant proposal now does not plan to implement the actions requested must submit a waiver so that in this way the budget can be released and thus take advantage of some of the 182 applications that have been left out.

New call for INEA 2023

Tomorrow, Thursday, December 28th, a new call for INEA grants will be published, with two calls: a first one with a deadline for applications from January 11th, 2024 until February 29th, 2024; and a second call from October 1st, 2024 until November 29th, 2024. Each of them is endowed with 6 million euros.

It should be remembered that these calls are part of the new Strategic Plan of the CAP 2023-2027 of Spain (PEPAC) and therefore are affected by new regulations that must be taken into account, as the incentive effect of the aid has disappeared and that there will be greater control in the market prices of the actions requested, among others.