IdISBa obtains 3 million euros of funding from the Instituto Salud Carlos III in competitive concurrence

Jan 4, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Balearic Islands Health Research Institute (IdISBa) has received 3,024,263 euros, in competitive concurrence, in the call for the Strategic Action in Health (AES) 2023 developed by the Carlos III Health Institute of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.


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These funds will be used to finance 10 research projects, 4 research personnel contracts and 3 scientific-technical platform projects.

The AES call is divided into three major programs aimed at addressing the priorities of our environment by promoting scientific-technical research, as well as its transfer and, on the other hand, working to develop, attract and retain talent in the field of health research.

Generation and transfer of knowledge and scientific-technical platforms

Within the State Program to Promote Scientific-Technical Research and its Transfer, the IdISBa has received 2,411,371 euros.

On the one hand, it allocates 1,248,125 euros to the Knowledge Generation Subprogram, financing a total of 9 health research projects. These projects focus on different areas of interest of the Institute, from programs for the prevention of type 2 diabetes in primary care, the influence of obstructive sleep apnea on Alzheimer’s disease, the study of breast cancer in young women, to research into bioactive substances that promote metabolic health through breastfeeding, among others. In addition, a project on personalized medicine and advanced therapies has been financed with 220,220 euros.

On the other hand, through the Knowledge Transfer Subprogram, with funding of 943,026 euros, the IdISBa will form part of the State Network Consortium for the Development of Advanced Therapy Drugs (CERTERA), which will coordinate and promote the capabilities to develop and produce this type of drugs, and will continue its networking with the Biobanks and Biomodels Platform and the Platform for Supporting Independent Clinical Research (SCReN).

Hiring of research personnel

Likewise, through the State Program to Develop, Attract and Retain Talent, within the Training and Incorporation Subprogram, the IdISBa will be able to hire four researchers, with a total amount of 588,167 euros.

Specifically, a Miguel Servet postdoctoral researcher contract type I, endowed with 308,600 euros; a predoctoral researcher contract, endowed with 119,567 euros; a Sara Borrell contract to improve the training of recently qualified doctoral personnel in the field of health sciences and technologies, endowed with 95,000 euros and, finally, a Río Hortega contract, endowed with 65,000 euros to incorporate a health professional who works simultaneously in research and health care activity.

Finally, within the State Mobility Subprogram, an IdISBa researcher will be able to make a stay in another research center with the support of 24,725 euros.