More than a dozen municipalities have joined the new service offered by the Consell de Mallorca to issue travel certificates

Jan 5, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Department of Local Development continues working to offer technical assistance to the municipalities to make effective the development of electronic administration

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The new service offered by the Consell de Mallorca to issue travel certificates

The Consell de Mallorca, through the Municipal Informatics Service of the Department of Economic Promotion and Local Development, has launched a new service for issuing travel certificates using the digital certificate (FNMT and electronic ID), so that residents in the municipalities of Mallorca can carry out this procedure remotely and securely, without having to go to the municipal offices. It is a computer adaptation program that can be used by all the town councils that request it and that allows the service of issuance of travel certificates through digital signature or electronic DNI.

This service began to be developed last August and, as of today, it has already been implemented in more than a dozen town councils: Banyalbufar, Binissalem, Bunyola, Deià, Escorca, Esporles, Estellencs, Lloret, Lloseta, Llubí, Puigpunyent, Sant Joan and Santa Eugènia. In addition, work is being done to continue increasing the adhesions of the rest of the municipalities of the island, except Palma, where travel certificates are processed through the citizen card.

The Councilor for Economic Promotion and Local Development, Pilar Amate, pointed out that “the objective is to continue strengthening municipal IT services, especially the smaller ones, and to offer them technical assistance and advice to make the development of electronic administration effective”.

For her part, the insular director of Municipal Support and Coordination, Beatriz Camiña, explained that “unlike the inhabitants of Palma, until now the rest of the inhabitants of the towns of the Part Forana had to go to their town halls to obtain a four-digit pin, and then download the online resident certificate at home”.

From now on, added Camiña, “what is done is to increase security and avoid unnecessary trips to the municipal offices to corroborate their registration”.

In addition, the insular director pointed out that “in this way, the local population is invited to join in obtaining and using the electronic certificate, which also facilitates many other procedures of the Administration”.

It should be noted that the municipal services will maintain the current system for obtaining the travel certificate for those who do not yet have the electronic certificate.