The Government supports women’s sports with a sponsorship program of 1.2 million €

Jan 6, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ It is part of the Foundation’s objective of always bearing in mind the perspective of equality and diversity.

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The Government supports women’s sports

\ A maximum budget of 1,200,000 euros is contemplated for the sponsorship program.

The Consell de Govern has authorized the Fundación para el Deporte Balear to initiate the expense file derived from the sponsorship contracting during the year 2024 and season 2024/2025 of the sports teams of non-profit entities of the Balearic Islands, that participate in regular leagues of maximum national non-professional category, in international circuits of maximum level, or regular leagues of second national feminine category.

This call is part of the Foundation’s objective to always keep in mind the perspective of equality and diversity, not only in isolation but working transversally in all actions and projects carried out. Thus, the Foundation actively works to raise awareness, visibility and equal opportunities in women’s sports.

A maximum sponsorship budget of 1,200,000 euros is envisaged.