The OBSI analyzes in the annual report the trend of implementation of artificial intelligence in the companies of the Balearic Islands

Jan 6, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Companies with more than ten workers in the Balearic Islands dedicated to industry are the ones that use artificial intelligence the most, with 8.3%.

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The number of Balearic companies that telework has decreased in one year from 33.9% to 22.9%, with an average of two days per week.

The Balearic Observatory of the Information Society (OBSI), which depends on the Bit Foundation, has presented a report that assesses the implementation and use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in companies in the Balearic Islands in the period 2022-2023.

The Obsímetre 38, prepared by the Bit Foundation on behalf of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Innovation, analyzes the use of computers by the ICT specialists and profiles hired, through artificial intelligence (AI), teleworking, social networks, internet connection and the web. The report analyzes in parallel the indicators of companies with less and more than ten workers.

Artificial intelligence to Balearic companies

Companies with more than ten workers in the Balearic Islands dedicated to the industry sector are the ones that use artificial intelligence the most. This first position comes in 2023 with 8.4%, unlike 2022, when the leading sector was the services sector.

The most prominent type of use of AI is in language analysis, with 39.39%, above the state average of 32.96%. Also of note are machine learning by data analysis (35.19 %), automation of workflows or aid in decision-making (31.76 %) and conversion of spoken language into machine-readable format (28.93 %).

It is in large companies that AI is applied for ICT security (29.39%), for R&D or innovation activities (26.6%), for accounting, control or financial management (26.54%) and marketing or sales (25.8%). In all cases, they exceed the national average.

It should be noted that 76.37 % of companies still do not use artificial intelligence because they consider that they do not have specialized knowledge, and 66.97 % consider the costs of applying it to be too high.

Hiring of ICT experts and teleworking

In the case of companies with more than ten workers, data specialists are the type of profile most hired. In the case of companies with more than ten workers, 11.26% of the companies have hired ICT specialists, while the hiring of women specialists (24.37%) continues to be below the national average (38.73%).

As for the number of Balearic companies that telework, a decrease is observed, since they represent 22.9 %, compared to the previous period, which was 33.9 %. The average number of teleworking days is two per week. The services sector continues to lead the list of companies that allow employees to telework with 31.29 %.

Equipment and use of technologies

99.82 % of the companies with more than ten workers have computers, a percentage that exceeds the national average and is higher than in the previous period. 75.55 % of these companies have an Internet connection and a web page.

65.91 % of companies use social networks, which is above the state average. The use of social networks (such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram…) continues to be the most widespread, with 92.7% and is used by 90.5% to develop the company’s image or market products.

48.32% of large companies in the Balearic Islands use enterprise resource planning (ERP) software and 22.89% use customer relationship management (CRM) software.

28.96% of companies purchase cloud computing services, especially email services (81.18%), followed by file storage and hosting services for company databases.

As for companies with fewer than ten workers in the Balearic Islands, the data show that their presence on the Internet, whether with a website and/or social networks, is consolidating and is above the national average.

Digital interaction with the public administration

93.27% of companies with more than ten workers in the Balearic Islands use the Internet to interact with the public administration: obtain information, declare taxes, and obtain forms or forms, with figures similar to the state average.

The Balearic Observatory of the Information Society

Since 2008, the Balearic Observatory of the Information Society (OBSI), of the Bit Foundation has been the instrument for research and analysis of the main indicators of the implementation of the information society in our community. The OBSI identifies opportunities and weaknesses to promote initiatives and projects that facilitate progress in the field of knowledge society and technological innovation.

To offer neutral and rigorous information to Balearic society, the actions included in the OBSI are focused on measuring the degree of development of the information society, through the selection of indicators and the dissemination of information on the degree of implementation of ICTs in the Balearic Islands. The aim is to promote the review of available indicators, implement innovative methodologies of analysis and be a meeting point and dialogue between the ICT sector and public administrations to define policies and subsequently evaluate them.

All reports prepared by the OBSI, including summaries of ICT uses and equipment for households and businesses, are available on the web