Inca counts on the Pagesa Cooperative to revitalize the livestock sector

Jan 7, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The City Council has approved a grant of 40,000 euros for the Pagesa Cooperative of Inca.

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Inca counts on the Pagesa Cooperative

On the other hand, the consistory has already awarded the contract for the drafting and construction management of the project of reform and adaptation of the poultry slaughterhouse of Inca.

The City Council of Inca reaffirms its commitment to the peasant sector and local farmers with the approval of a direct grant to the Cooperative Pagesa de Inca. In this way, the consistory of the capital of the Raiguer will grant 2024 an aid of 40,000 euros to strengthen the sector and ensure its sustainable development.

“We are aware of the importance of the peasant sector, without which we could not move forward. Our goal is to strengthen the economic base and thus contribute to our farmers having the necessary resources to be able to develop their daily work in better conditions and to continue to prosper, “says the mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno.

Thus, the main objective of this direct subsidy is to financially support the Inca farmer, and to promote the maintenance and growth of the sector. This aid will provide the Cooperativa Pagesa de Inca, which manages the only poultry slaughterhouse in Mallorca, with the necessary resources to improve the development of the work and contribute to increasing the efficiency and sustainability of the sector.

In parallel, the City Council of Inca has signed a collaboration agreement with the Agricultural and Fisheries Guarantee Fund of the Balearic Islands (FOGAIBA) and the Pagesa Cooperative for the development and implementation of the project of improvement and adaptation of the slaughterhouse of Inca. Within the framework of this agreement, the consistory has already taken the necessary steps to make the reform of these facilities a reality as soon as possible. It has awarded the contract for the drafting and management of works for the improvement and modernization of the slaughterhouse for birds and lagomorphs of the Inca.

Once the technical project has been drafted and the total amount of the reform is known, the FOGAIBA will determine its economic contribution, which will be channelled in favour of the City Council, so that the works can be awarded and executed through an economic subsidy.

In this regard, it should be recalled that the poultry slaughterhouse of the Inca needs a series of reforms and adaptations of the facilities to comply with current legislation on animal welfare and slaughterhouses. Also, the renovation will optimize the space to offer new services, which now can not be given to the conditions of the building. With the collaboration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Environment we want the Inca slaughterhouse to be the reference slaughterhouse in Mallorca for slaughtering poultry, rabbits and other feathered animals. Moreno.