The Ministry of Enterprise, Employment and Energy appoints Ana Martín Herrando as the new general manager of IBASSAL

Jan 7, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ The appointment is part of the restructuring that the Government is carrying out.

The Ministry of Enterprise, Employment and Energy

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\ \ \ Martín Herrando has a degree in Law from the University of Valladolid and specializes in Labor Law.

The Minister of Enterprise, Employment and Energy, Alejandro Sáenz de San Pedro, informed this Friday in the Consell de Govern of the appointment of Ana Martín Herrando as the new managing director of the Balearic Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (Ibassal). This appointment is due to the dismissal of the former managing director Magín Cabrer, which is part of the restructuring that is taking place in the government. Saenz de San Pedro thanked the former manager for all the work done during these months and his contribution to the first steps taken by the Government in occupational health.

Ana Martín Herrando has a degree in Law from the University of Valladolid and since 2021 she has been working as a legal technician in public procurement and subsidies at the Consell Insular de Mallorca. However, she has focused the bulk of her career in the field of labour law. From 2012 to 2022 she practiced as a lawyer specialized in social jurisdiction. In addition, she has worked as a proxy lawyer for the National Institute of Social Security, as a human resources selection technician for SOIB, technician for the creation of companies in the Chamber of Commerce and CAEB, Orientation and Self-Employment technician for CAEB and in the Vallisoletan Confederation of Entrepreneurs, as well as human resources management technician for Nestlé.

Regarding her complementary training, her curriculum includes courses in occupational risk prevention, people management by competencies, personnel selection and recruitment, and organization and human resources. She has also participated in seminars on competencies and talent management, corporate responsibility in the company’s business strategy and reconciliation of family, personal and work life in the company.