The Consell de Govern takes note of the Plan of Action of the Fundación Banco de Sangre y Tejidos for 2024

Jan 8, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ The plan seeks to achieve self-sufficiency in blood and tissue donation with the greatest guarantees.

\ The new action framework, among other aspects, also aims to modernize the institution in the field of training.

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Plan of Action of the Fundación Banco de Sangre y Tejidos for 2024

The Consell de Govern, at the proposal of the Conselleria de Salud, has taken note of the Plan of Action of the Fundación Banco de Sangre y Tejidos de las Illes Balears for 2024, which seeks to achieve self-sufficiency in blood and tissue donation, to do so with the maximum transfusion and safety guarantees, and to do so with the greatest efficiency of material and personnel resources.

Other objectives for 2024 are also to modernize the institution in the field of training, to have the Electronic Headquarters tool, to lay the foundations for the creation of the Plasma Unit and to complete the Contingency Plan.

The Blood and Tissue Bank Foundation of the Balearic Islands, which this year has a budget of 12.8 million euros, is a public body of institutional nature with private non-profit status. Its purpose is the functional organization of hemodonation, hemotherapy and tissue donation in the Balearic Islands, without prejudice to the pursuit of other complementary purposes.

To properly develop its foundational purpose, the Foundation’s objectives include, among others, the promotion, enhancement and development of voluntary hemodonation; the programming of all blood collections; the processing of all units of blood collected outside and inside hospitals; and the supply of blood and blood derivatives to all hospitals and public and private health centers in the autonomous community of the Balearic Islands.