The Consell Insular approves agreements to allocate 1.7 million euros to the slaughterhouses of Menorca

Jan 8, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

They will serve to modernize the facilities and meet the cost of the sandachs

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Agreements to allocate 1.7 million euros to the slaughterhouses of Menorca

The Consell Insular de Menorca has approved the agreements to allocate 1.7 million euros to the two slaughterhouses of the island, which are municipal and are located in Maó and Ciutadella. The agreements contemplate transferring to the town councils of these two localities up to 850,000 euros respectively to make improvements in the slaughterhouses and meet the cost of managing the sandachs.

The agreements are signed after several meetings held between the Department of Economy and General Services of the Consell Insular de Menorca and the City Councils of Ciutadella and Maó, where both councils asked the Consell for help to modernize the facilities and meet the cost of the sandachs.

In the case of the City Council of Maó, it presented a first request on October 6th. The budget for the actions to be carried out by the City Council amounts to 850,000 euros (250,000 euros of current expenditure and 600,000 euros of investment), which the Consell Insular will fully fund.

As regards the Ciutadella City Council, it submitted the first application on October 18. The budget for the actions to be carried out amounts to 962,161 euros (250,000 euros of current expenditure and 712,161 euros of investment) and a grant from the Consell Insular for a total amount of 850,000 euros (250,000 euros of current expenditure and 600,000 euros of investment costs).

The investment actions must be carried out during one year, while the costs of the treatment and disposal of the sandachs must correspond to expenses carried out during the year 2023.

The Department of Economy and General Services promotes these aids because of the strategic nature of the primary sector in Menorca. “Not only policies for the conservation of livestock or livestock farms should be implemented. We must contribute to give a real outlet to the production, and the first point of this chain are the slaughterhouses,” explains the councillor of Economy and General Services of Menorca, Maria Antonia Taltavull. “We want to collaborate with the municipalities to support the improvement of the infrastructures of their municipal slaughterhouses, since they are a key piece for livestock farming and, therefore, for the primary sector,” concludes Taltavull.