The first edition of the outreach program “Ja som patrimoni mundial” begins

Jan 10, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The first activity will be on Sunday, January 14 with an excursion to the Talayotic settlement of Montefí and the naveta des Tudons, Ciutadella

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“Ja som patrimoni mundial”

The Department of Culture of the Consell Insular de Menorca and the Menorca Talayotic Agency organize the first edition of the outreach program “Ja som patrimoni mundial”, to commemorate the entry of Menorca Talayotic in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The program offers activities, outings and guided tours that will allow us to know closely the social, cultural and environmental values of our heritage. The outings are aimed at all ages and profiles with different interests and will be held one weekend a month, from January 2024 to December 2024, except July and August.

The first activity will be on Sunday, January 14 in Montefí and the naveta of Es Tudons, in the framework of the Diada del Poble de Menorca. We will walk along the camí Reial (camí Vell) to discover two prehistoric landscapes (Montefí and the naveta des Tudons). We will know how was the life and death of its inhabitants during prehistoric times and we will also take a leap in time to explain the events that occurred in the Naveta in 2018 and know how they proceeded to recover the monument. Collaborators: Es Tudons SRM, Xisco Isbert and Lina Torres.

In the 10 activities scheduled throughout 2024, we will be able to see the heritage of our island from different prisms. In all of them, we will be accompanied by an archaeologist to explain the site in question, but we will also have different specialists, such as biologists, geologists or even the owners of the site, who will complement the contents, so that we can understand the plurality of the island’s heritage. Because not only the sites themselves are important, but, as stated in the World Heritage declaration, the surrounding landscape is also very important, the place where they are located geologically or the efforts made by the owners to maintain the heritage and the current landscape, mainly agricultural.

The cost of this activity is assumed by the Menorca Talayotic Agency. Places are limited and it is necessary to sign up a few days in advance through the website Each person can reserve a place for a maximum of two adults and three children. Those interested will receive an email with information about the starting point and meeting time. For any questions, you can call or send a WhatsApp to 689 33 28 88.

The scheduled excursions are as follows:

Sunday, January 14: A LANDSCAPE IN THE THREAD OF TIME. From Montefí to the naveta des Tudons by the Camino Reial.

Sunday, February 25: THE TALAYOT IN THE MENORCA LANDSCAPE. From San Climent to Cornia.

Saturday, March 9: THE TAULA CAVES, UNIQUE IN THE WORLD. Torralba d’en Salort.

Saturday, April 13: THE CYCLE OF LIFE IN THE BINIGAUS GULLY. From Binicodrell to the Binigaus ravine.

Saturday, May 25: DOP ARCHAEOLOGY MENORQUINA. From Ferreries to Son Mercer de Baix.

Saturday, June 8: THE STARS OF PREHISTORY. The site of Son Catlar.

Saturday, September 21: WORLD HERITAGE AMONG AGRICULTURAL FARMS. In Talatí de Dalt along the old road.

Sunday, October 20: THE FIRST OF MANY. Trepucó site.

Sunday, November 17: THE PREHISTORY OF AN ISLAND WITHIN THE ISLAND. From Es Grau to the tower of Rambla following the Camí de Cavalls.

Saturday, December 14: TALAYOTIC LIFE AND RITUALS. Museum of Ciutadella.