The Consell de Mallorca promotes electric mobility in urban waste treatment service

Jan 10, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The insular institution, with the collaboration of TIRME, MARANEU and VOLVO, put into operation the first electric tractor in the whole national territory to transport municipal waste from the transfer stations.

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The Consell de Mallorca promotes electric mobility

The Consell de Mallorca promotes electric mobility in the municipal solid waste service. The insular institution, with the collaboration of TIRME, MARANEU and VOLVO, incorporates the first electric tractor throughout the national territory to transport municipal waste from the transfer stations.

It is estimated that the commissioning of this new vehicle, 100% electric, will mean a saving of about 40,000 litres per year of diesel, which means reducing the emission of about 100,000 kg CO₂ equivalents.

The presentation of this new electric vehicle took place this Monday in Binissalem and was attended by the General Manager of TIRME, Antonio Pons; the Second Vice President of the Consell de Mallorca and Minister of Environment, Rural Environment and Sports, Pedro Bestard and the Insular Director of Waste, Margalida Roig.

To date, the transfer of municipal waste from the transfer stations to the treatment plants is one of the tasks carried out by the public waste treatment service of Mallorca, managed by TIRME and owned by the Consell de Mallorca. To these transfer stations arrive the urban waste that the municipalities and mancomunidades collect in their towns and municipalities.

Once unloaded, the waste is compacted and transferred to the treatment plants by larger capacity trucks, with tractors that use fossil fuels. This public service has five transfer stations located in Calvià, Binissalem, Manacor, Campos and Alcúdia.

100% electric tractors

The initiative of using 100% electric tractors to carry out this type of transport has been possible thanks to the collaboration of TIRME, MARANEU and VOLVO. TIRME is the concessionaire of the public service, MARANEU is the company contracted to carry out this transport and, therefore, the owner of the electric tractor; and VOLVO is the manufacturer of the electric tractor.

The commissioning of this electric tractor has also been possible thanks to the grant that enables the transformation of fleets granted by the Directorate General of Mobility of the Ministry of Housing, Territory and Mobility of the Government of the Balearic Islands, a grant included in the Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience, funded by the European Union “Next Generation EU”.

The councillor Pedro Bestard has highlighted “the importance of advancing in the implementation of electric vehicles in the transport of urban waste, which will allow Mallorca to have a more environmentally friendly treatment service, thus contributing to the reduction of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere”.

For his part, Antonio Pons pointed out that “within the framework of TIRME’s strategy to promote circularity and sustainability, the new electric tractor is a new tool that is proving to be very efficient, as it reduces greenhouse gas emissions and uses the waste it transports as fuel”.

The 100 % electric tractor starting its service is a 10-ton vehicle with six batteries of 90 kWh each. Its top speed is 90 km/h. The tests that have been carried out show that this tractor will be able to make three round trips from the Binissalem Transfer Station to the Environmental Technologies Park of Mallorca.

To these trips must be added internal traffic within the park, such as transporting the rejects from the packaging sorting plant to the energy recovery plant. In total, the autonomy of this new tractor will be about 300 km.