Water reserves in the Balearic Islands experience a slight decrease in December

Jan 11, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

This change occurs in the context of below-average rainfall, as indicated by the AEMET data.

During December, the water reserves of the Balearic Islands experienced a slight decrease, from 54% to 53%. This change occurs in the context of below-average rainfall, as indicated by the AEMET data.

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Water reserves in the Balearic Islands

In detail by islands, Mallorca has experienced a reduction in its reserves, going from 55% to 54%. On the other hand, Menorca has shown an increase, from 50% to 54%, and Eivissa has also registered an improvement, from 41% to 43%. These variations reflect the impact of weather conditions on water reserves in each area.

Regarding the change in the drought scenario of the Demand Units, there has been one modification: the Formentera DU enters the alert scenario. The other new UD (Menorca, Artà, Manacor-Felanitx, Migjorn, es Pla, Palma-Alcúdia, Tramuntana Nord, Tramuntana Sud and Eivissa) remain within the pre-alert scenario.

According to the AEMET, the month of December was significantly drier than usual in the Balearic Islands. Rainfall recorded was 8.1 l/m², well below the historical average of 64.9 l/m². In Mallorca 6.1 l/m² (compared to 68.9 l/m² average), in Menorca 22.8 l/m² (compared to 54.4 l/m²), in Eivissa 5.3 l/m² (compared to 57.4 l/m²) and Formentera 2.0 l/m² (compared to 38.5 l/m²).

In addition, the month of December has been warm, with an average temperature of 12.5 °C, and an anomaly of 0.9 °C above the historical average.

These climate data provide a complete picture of the challenges of water management in the archipelago, underlining the importance of conservation and adaptation strategies in the face of climate variability.