Son Espases presents the Research Awards 2023

Jan 11, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

These awards aim to promote scientific activity in all professional categories and reward excellence in this field.

The University Hospital Son Espases delivered this morning the Research Awards 2023, which aim to promote the scientific activity of all categories of professionals of the health centre and reward the excellence achieved in this area. The Son Espases awards and grants for research are an annual initiative of the Research Committee.

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Son Espases

The number of awards in the 2023 edition was 94. 94,000, divided into four categories: “Best scientific publication”, which rewards the publication of an article in the journal with the highest impact factor; “Aid for a stay with replacement in a research centre”, to promote the collaboration of healthcare personnel with national and international research groups; “Best pilot project”, which aims to support projects that can be funded in external state and international calls, and the category of “Research Project”, aid aimed at funding a research project, including the release of 50% of the annual care activity of the responsible researcher.

The award ceremony was attended by the Regional Minister of Health, Manuela García; the general director of the Health Service, Javier Ureña; the managing director of Son Espases, Cristina Granados; the scientific director of IdISBa, Antonia Barceló; the president of the Research Commission, Antonio Oliver, and the coordinator of the Research Unit, Borja García-Cosío.

In this year’s edition, the “Best scientific publication” prize was awarded to the researcher Miquel Àngel Sastre Femenia of the Microbiology Service, for the article entitled “Pseudomonas aeruginosa antibiotic susceptibility profiles, genomic epidemiology and resistance mechanisms: a nation-wide five-year time-lapse analysis” published in the journal Lancet Reg Health Eur; in the modality of residents, to Aser Alonso Carballo of the Hematology Service, for the article entitled “Analysis of vaccine responses after anti-CD20 maintenance in B-cell lymphoma in the Balearic Islands. A single reference centre experience”, published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology; and in the predoctoral researcher category, to Jose Antonio Delgado Rodriguez of the Clinical Analysis Service, for the article entitled “Functional vitamin B12 deficiency: Improving methylmalonic acid reference intervals in urine” published in the journal Clin Chim Acta.

The awarded pilot projects were the following: “Transcriptome signature of the Common Variable Immunodeficiency related liver disease”, by Vanessa Daza Cajigal; “Radiomic analysis in contrast and multiphasic Computed Tomography of the prediction of therapeutic response and survival in patients with cellular hepatocarcinoma treated by transarterial chemoembolization”, by Mª Gemma Sempere Campello; “Study of the lymphocyte compartment in patients treated with CART therapy”, by Vanessa Cunill Monjo and Aina Oliver Caldés; “The interaction between early aging in HIV and COPD using epigenetic clocks”, by Meritxell Gavaldà Manso; “Evolution of the prevalence and epidemiology of Chlamydia trachomatis genotypes causing lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) in the Balearic Islands: application in the optimization of the microbiological diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections (STI)”, by Elisa González de Herrero Martínez; and “Influence of breastfeeding on the sleep-wake rhythm, sleep quality and attachment bonding during the first nine months of life”, by Mª Fátima Céspedes Ballona.

Finally, the research project was awarded to Dr. Ana María Rodrigo Troyano, from the Pneumology Department with the project “Measurement of Interleukin 5 to direct biological therapy in severe asthma (MIDAS)”.

Balance of the research activity of the Hospital Universitario Son Espases in 2023

During the awards ceremony, the president of the Research Committee, Antonio Oliver, presented the research balance of Son Espases during the period 2022-2023.

In the last year, a total of 464 articles have been published in scientific journals with a cumulative impact factor of 3,128 points, exceeding the figures of previous years. As for obtaining competitive funding for research, in 2023 the Hospital has obtained from the Carlos III Health Institute five FIS projects, a grant to incorporate human resources into research, a mobility, five precision personalized medicine research projects and an R&D&I project linked to personalized medicine and advanced therapies (transmissions initiative). And from the Ministry of Science and Innovation, one grant has been obtained for technical support personnel and two for research consolidation. In addition, five projects financed by the European Union were obtained in 2023. The total amount obtained with public aid amounts to 2,343,503 €. Finally, with respect to the commercial clinical trials carried out at the center, 61 contracts have been signed with the pharmaceutical industry during 2023, for a total amount of 2,800,563 €.