The Consell de Mallorca recovers the 20 hours of training for all the staff of the Consell de Mallorca and the IMAS this 2024

Jan 12, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The plenary of the insular institution has approved the restitution of a right that benefits 1,600 employees of the Consell and 2,639 of the IMAS.

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The Consell de Mallorca recovers the 20 hours of training

The Plenary of the Consell de Mallorca has approved, with the votes of all the political groups, except the abstention of the socialists, the recovery of the 20 hours per year of voluntary training done outside working hours that can be counted as effective working time. This is a measure that benefits 1,600 employees of the insular institution and 2,639 of the Institut Mallorquí d’Afers Socials (IMAS).

In this way, the insular institution attends to the request of the unions to recover the compensation hours that were reduced from 50 hours per year to 7.5 hours in 2021. The Councilor for Public Administration and Finance, Pilar Bonet, has pointed out that “the government team of the time adopted this decision arguing that other conciliation measures had been reached, such as the provision of services in modalities other than face-to-face. A measure that did not have the agreement of the unions”. In addition, he stressed that “this is a commitment of President Galmés that has become a reality”.

The commitment of the current government team is to recover the 50 hours of training per year progressively. For this reason, this year it has been agreed to increase 20 hours, with the idea of adding 20 more in 2025 and the remaining 10 hours in 2026. The restitution of this right has the unanimous support of the General Joint Negotiation Table of the civil servant and labour staff of the Consell de Mallorca and IMAS, which met last October 31, 2023.

To continue training, the workers of the Consell de Mallorca and IMAS can attend courses organized or given by the insular institution or duly recognized by the competent department in matters of civil service, directly related to the functions of the job.