The Department of the Sea and Water Cycle meets with the Chamber of Commerce of Eivissa and Formentera

Jan 12, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Lafuente reaffirms the firm commitment to become an accessible interlocutor and actively collaborate to find solutions to the problems of entrepreneurs

Department of the Sea and Water Cycle

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The Councilor of the Sea and Water Cycle, Juan Manuel Lafuente, accompanied by the Director General of Coasts and Coastal, Carlos Simarro, held this morning at the Consell Insular d’Eivissa, a meeting with the Chamber of Commerce of Eivissa and Formentera addressed the growing concern of local businessmen and residents to the recent changes and applications of the Coastal Act.

During the meeting, which was attended by numerous members of the association, the AALCE presented a detailed overview of the challenges they face. The conseller Lafuente has expressed the firm commitment of the Conselleria del Mar to become an accessible interlocutor and actively collaborate to find solutions to these problems, but has also regretted that the transfer of powers was made “without means and with thousands of unresolved files”.

Simarro has committed, for his part, to process the files “in the most efficient way possible, paying special attention to individual cases and ensuring answers to those that have not been dealt with” previously.

Councilor Lafuente emphasized the need for active collaboration on the part of entrepreneurs and the community, in general, to ensure that activities are carried out legally and sustainably, stressing the importance “of improving and preserving the quality of the Balearic coasts, which in turn benefits the tourism sector and the local economy”.