The deadline for applications for grants for post-emergency projects in the field of humanitarian aid in the territories of the South has opened

Jan 14, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Until 15 November, interested NGDOs can now submit applications for grants to implement post-emergency projects in the field of humanitarian aid in the territories of the South for the year 2024. Applicant NGDOs can present a maximum of two projects, and the amount cannot exceed 60,000 euros per project. The Regional Ministry of Families and Social Affairs allocates a maximum amount of 700,000 euros for this humanitarian aid.

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Grants for post-emergency projects in the field of humanitarian aid in the territories of the South has opened

The aid is aimed at supporting the populations of the territories of the South affected by emergencies or humanitarian crises. NGDOs applying for this grant must carry out projects within the framework of the internationally recognised principles of humanitarian action and to protect people’s lives, rights and dignity, guaranteeing their subsistence, recovering basic services and rehabilitating basic community infrastructures.

Projects must prioritise the most vulnerable people in humanitarian crises: minors, especially unaccompanied minors, women in situations of sexual violence, victims of gender-based violence, victims of human trafficking, LGTBIQ population, refugees, internally displaced people, people with functional diversity and people with disabilities.