Industry awards 27.7 M€ to 11 projects related to hybrid, battery electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles

Jan 17, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Minister of Industry and Tourism, Jordi Hereu, considers this line to be the perfect complement to the Electric and Connected Vehicle PERTE.

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Industry awards 27.7 M€ to 11 projects

An electric car at a recharging point electric vehicle at a recharging point
The Ministry of Industry and Tourism has granted 27.7 million euros to 11 innovative projects from 9 companies related to models, systems and components of hybrid vehicles, battery electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles to advance in the decarbonization process and maintain the competitiveness of the automotive ecosystem.

Of the total number of projects, 8 correspond to experimental developments and 3 to industrial research activities. Likewise, of the total of these projects, 2 of them will be carried out by medium-sized companies, 3 by small or micro companies, and 6 by non-SME entities.

“We need the collaboration of the companies to create a diverse and competitive scenario that will benefit the brands when awarding future models to their factories in Spain,” said the Minister of Industry and Tourism, Jordi Hereu.

Hereu assures that this line is “the perfect complement to PERTE VEC and the proof that the Government is once again fulfilling its commitments by providing a solution to one of the major demands of the automotive sector”.

RT POWERTRAIN Spain (RENAULT Group) has submitted 3 projects, with a bankable investment of 41.6 million euros, and has been granted 13.6 million euros, which represents 49.6% of the total aid granted.

Likewise, RENAULT España presented an experimental development project, with a bankable budget of 14.5 million euros, and the aid granted amounted to 3.6 million euros.

The total investment mobilized amounts to 129.8 million euros, with a financeable budget of 82.8 million euros.

This aid has been granted as a direct concession, in the modality of simple concurrence, once the projects have been evaluated by the Verification Commission, per the provisions of Royal Decree 661/2023, of July 18.

The maximum term of execution of the actions to be financed is 36 months from the date of the concession resolution, which implies that there will be projects that will be developed by the year 2026.