The Regional Ministry awards the prize for the “Investiga amb Eduteca IB” competition to IES Josep Sureda i Blanes in Palma

Jan 18, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The director general of Early Childhood, Attention to Diversity and Educational Improvement, Neus Riera, visited the Josep Sureda i Blanes Secondary School (IES) today, where she presented the prize for the “Investiga amb Eduteca IB” competition. The director general was accompanied by Lluïsa Viver, from the Educational Innovation Service, Lluïsa Viver, and was received by the headmaster of the school, José Antonio Erustes; the head of studies, Mònica Limiñana; the coordinator of the school library, Juana Maria Riquelme; the coordinator of the Reading Plan, Carme Cañellas, and the moderator of the winning Club, Yamila di Santo.

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The prize for the “Investiga amb Eduteca IB” competition to IES Josep Sureda i Blanes in Palma

During the ceremony, the Director General, Neus Riera, handed over a digital screen, provided by Eduteca IB’s supplier company, to those in charge of the school and highlighted the good work carried out by the school’s reading club, which has 130 participants who, so far, have dedicated more than 57 hours to learning.

The head of the Club, physical education teacher Yamila di Santo, explained that she has used the Educoteca tool at all levels of ESO and has provided students with study techniques. In addition, in the case of fourth-year ESO students, listening to audiobooks has been encouraged during part of the physical education class to improve the students’ attention span.

The Regional Ministry of Education and Universities launched the Educoteca IB competition at the beginning of this school year intending to promote the creation of reading clubs that had to include a research task for students. The initiative has been very well received by the participating schools.