The Balearic Islands will have the first post-emancipation bridging housing for young people released from prison.

Jan 23, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

This resource will allow the full integration of young people by facilitating their access to their own homes.

The Balearic Islands will have a post-emancipation resource for young people who have been released from custody or are subject to a protection measure that will enable them to make a more stable transition into adult life.

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The first post-emancipation bridging housing for young people released from prison

This socio-educational resource will have 14 residential places in a low supervision regime, i.e. with minimal intervention by educators, allowing the development of self-management and autonomy tools and fostering the empowerment of users. The educational intervention will focus, fundamentally, on the knowledge of resources for finding work or training, the promotion of free time in standardised and integrating resources, and personal care and care of their immediate environment.

The beneficiaries of this resource, which will join the Emancipation Network of the Autonomous Community, are people between 20 and 25 years of age who meet the following requirements:

-Find themselves in the system of protection of minors of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands with a guardianship or tutelage measure.

-Accept the conditions of use and stay in housing for a maximum of twelve months to promote an autonomous life that is not dependent on the Administration.

-Not having any other housing resource or family network that can take charge of or support their process of personal autonomy.

-To have achieved a satisfactory result in housing the Emancipation Network.

The Councillor for Families and Social Affairs, Catalina Cirer, presented this housing today during a visit to Bunyola and stressed that “this resource aims to promote the autonomy of these young people who, given their particular situation, have additional difficulties in accessing housing”. The councillor also pointed out that “this is not an open-ended resource, but rather the aim is to accompany these young people until they are fully integrated into society”.

Emancipation Network

Recent data published by the Emancipation Observatory of the Spanish Youth Council show that only 16% of young people can emancipate themselves, mainly due to the high cost of rent, the main way of accessing housing.

This difficulty is particularly serious in the case of young people who are homeless, given that, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics, around 4% of the population in a situation of homelessness has been institutionalised (taking into account young people aged 18 to 22). This figure rises to 45% if young people up to the age of 29 are taken into account, which shows the importance of accompaniment to adult life.

This resource, which has been presented today, is, in the words of Councillor Cirer, “an opportunity to consolidate a dignified and normalised life project”.

There are currently 152 places in emancipation housing in the Balearic Islands and 160 young people in the process of active accompaniment.

The Mayor of Bunyola, Juan Antonio Riera, and the Director General for Children, Youth, Families, Equality and Diversity, Farners Saneiro, also attended the visit.