The Argentinean writer Flàvia Company will be the protagonist of this January’s “El Món Avui”

Jan 24, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

On the 26th of January, the author will visit the Ciutadella Library to talk and debate about the role of reading and writing in understanding the world. She will also be in the libraries of Maó and Ferreries.

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Flàvia Company

The writer Flàvia Company will visit the Xarxa de Biblioteques de Menorca on the 26th of January with the conference “La lectura i l’escriptura com a eines per entendre el món” (Reading and writing as tools for understanding the world) as part of the “El Món Avui. Cicle de Pensament i Actualitat a les biblioteques”.

The author, considered by many to be one of the most unclassifiable voices in literature today, is also a philologist, journalist, translator and teacher of creative writing. She works in genres as different as the novel, the essay, poetry and the short story, with the peculiarity of developing them both in Spanish and Catalan indistinctly.

In June 2018, Company began a journey around the world that lasted four years. He will talk about this experience and the importance of reading and writing during these years in a conference that will begin at 8 pm in the Joana de Vigo i Squella room of the Casa de Cultura of Ciutadella. Seating will be limited.

Reading and writing also in Ferreries and Maó

Flàvia Company will take advantage of her visit to Menorca to take part in the reading club at the Maó Public Library on Wednesday the 24th, where her novel ‘Haru’ will be discussed. The following day, the 25th, the meeting will be with the reading club of the Ferreries library, where ‘L’illa de l’última veritat’ (The Island of the Last Truth) will be discussed. Those attending the reading clubs will have a unique opportunity to comment and share their impressions with the author. Both meetings will take place at 19:00.

The Argentine writer will also be giving a micro-story workshop at the Maó Public Library. It will be held on Saturday the 27th of January in a writing intensive that will be structured in two sessions, from 11 am to 1 pm and from 5 pm to 7 pm, to provide a space for reflection among people who want to practice this format. The workshop is free of charge, and to sign up, all you have to do is register in advance at the Maó Library counter or by emailing

With these four activities, Flàvia Company joins the conferences given by the writer Eva Piquer and the journalists Jorge Carrión and Gervasio Sánchez, who have visited the Xarxa de Biblioteques de Menorca this 2023-24 through the programme “El Món Avui. Cicle de Pensament i Actualitat a les biblioteques”.