More than 250 people have already joined the working groups of the first Health Pact

Jan 24, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Six working groups have been set up, with the participation of social agents, professional associations and patients’ associations, among others.

They will meet for the first time at Son Espases on 29 and 31 January.

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Working groups of the first Health Pact

More than 250 people have already joined the working groups created to build the first Health Pact of the Balearic Islands. This is a political and social pact created with the sole common objective of guaranteeing quality, efficient and modern healthcare, and which will define the future and the roadmap for Balearic healthcare over the next decade.

Social agents, professional associations, scientific societies, patient associations and healthcare professionals will participate in the six working groups that have already been set up and which will be coordinated by the Director General of the Balearic Islands Health Service, Javier Ureña. The groups are as follows:

Group 1: Recognition, loyalty, stabilisation and recruitment of professionals to address the deficit of healthcare professionals.
Group 2: Modernisation and strengthening of primary care and its capacity for care resolution and prevention.
Group 3: Addressing chronicity: person-centred care and integrated health and social care.
Group 4: Health promotion, disease prevention and the promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Group 5: Attention to mental health illnesses, promoting prevention and community care.
Group 6: Increasing programmed activity and reducing waiting times for specialist consultations and surgery.
The shortage of health professionals at all levels of care, waiting lists, the strengthening of primary care, the approach to chronic illness and the mental health of the citizens of the Balearic Islands are some of the challenges facing the Balearic Islands’ public health system.

The aim is to build and develop a universal, quality, more equitable and efficient healthcare system, in which all citizens, regardless of their place of residence, can access the same resources, with the citizen at the centre and the care of the professional as the fundamental value of the organisation.

The working groups will meet for the first time on 29 and 31 January at Son Espases University Hospital. The aim is for these groups to produce a definitive document by the end of the first half of 2024, once all the proposed areas of analysis have been worked on.