The Regional Ministry of Education and Universities clarifies the free choice of language

Jan 25, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Following the information published after the meeting held with the directors of public schools, the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities wishes to clarify:

In the academic year 2024-2025, the right of families to choose the language of first education they wish for their children will become effective.

The Regional Ministry of Education and Universities

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This decision is protected by current legislation, since the right of families to choose the language, as long as it is official in the Balearic Islands, in which their children will receive their education at the Infant stage and in the first and second years of Primary School is provided for in Decree 92/1997, of 4th July, popularly known as the Minimums Decree (Article 9); Article 18.2 of Law 3/1986, of 29th April (Article 18) and the Education Law of the Balearic Islands (Article 135.1.c).

Families will choose this language when the child joins the education system within the aforementioned courses.

2.- In the 2024-2025 school year, a voluntary pilot plan for free choice of language will be implemented in the rest of the school years. This plan will be based on three fundamental pillars:

1-. I have absolute respect for the current regulations. Not a single comma of the existing education legislation will be changed.
2-. The most absolute respect for the autonomy of the centre, the pedagogical autonomy and the linguistic project of each centre.
3-. The voluntary nature of the centres. This voluntary nature means that any school that does not like it, does not consider it necessary, or wants to continue with its linguistic project, does not have to join the pilot plan. This is not an imposition on the part of the Regional Ministry. Every school in the Balearic Islands will have total and absolute freedom to do what they consider appropriate about the plan.

In the 2025-2026 academic year, the Regional Ministry of Education and Universities will implement the voluntary pilot plan for free choice of language in the secondary stages based on the three pillars mentioned above.

Work is currently underway on its deployment. The general outlines of the plan will be presented and explained in the Parliament of the Balearic Islands in a voluntary appearance by the Minister of Education and Universities, Antoni Vera, on 8 February.

From then on, the pilot plan will be agreed upon with all the sectors involved to draw up the final text of the project.