The Consell de Mallorca promotes local produce at the Sierra de Tramuntana Trophy of the Mallorca Cycling Challenge

Jan 27, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The award helps preserve the agricultural character of the Serra de Tramuntana and boosts the economic activity of this Unesco World Heritage site

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The Consell de Mallorca promotes local produce at the Sierra de Tramuntana

The Councillor of the Presidency, Antoni Fuster, and the Island Director of the Serra de Tramuntana, Antoni Solivellas, have kicked off the Trofeo Sierra de Tramuntana de Granden Hotels-Luxcom Challenge XXXIII. In this case, the Consell de Mallorca, through the Serra de Tramuntana World Heritage Consortium, is sponsoring the stretch that runs 153.8 km from Selva to the monastery of Lluc, which includes the Puig Major and the Coll de Sóller.

The Conseller de Presidencia pointed out that the international broadcasting of this cycling tour provides an opportunity to discover the cultural landscape as a sustainable destination for sport: “We are moving away from the best-known activities and opening new doors to another type of tourism”. It is also a “unique opportunity to put products with the Serra de Tramuntana World Heritage label at the centre of the competition” and “to raise awareness of the essence of Mallorcan gastronomy” among the Tour’s followers around the world.

Fuster explained that the Challenge is “the perfect showcase to showcase these unique items that are produced in the Sierra with raw materials of origin”, as well as the value and interest of their consumption: “Commercialisation allows the primary sector to grow, boosting the local economy”.

The island’s director of the Sierra, Antoni Solivellas, added that “thanks to the efforts of producers, businesses and organisations in the Sierra, the preservation of the cultural landscape is becoming a reality”. This is because the managers of the Sierra “work every day to defend the values of the declaration of world heritage, such as its centuries-old ethnological elements or its kilometres of “marges” and walls built with the millenary technique of “pedra en sec”, among other constructions that have made the Sierra, a rugged mountain range with an adverse climate, a habitable space today”.

At the moment, 35 products produced by 500 farmers, livestock farmers or agri-food processors have this recognition, which gives consumers the confidence that the impact they have had on the territory has been positive. One of the objectives for 2024 is to “reach more products, whether food or artisan”. The use of the label will also be granted to catering and hotel establishments in the Sierra “that have a minimum of three products with the label on their menus, in order to promote their marketing”, Solivellas said.