IMAS and SOIB open registration for Raixa 2023 training and employment courses for people with disabilities

Jan 27, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The deadline to register for the project, which is included in the programme “SOIB 30 formació i ocupació” and which combines didactic training in agriculture and gardening with paid work, is 4 February.

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Promoting equal opportunities for people with disabilities: with this aim in mind, the Consell de Mallorca, through the Institut Mallorquí d’Afers Socials (IMAS), and the SOIB has opened a new call for applications to participate in the Raixa 2023 project, aimed at people with disabilities over the age of 30 who are interested in training in the field of gardening and agriculture.

Specifically, the Raixa 2023 project, which is included in the “SOIB 30 training and employment” programme, includes the relevant training to obtain the professional certificates AGAX0208 Auxiliary activities in agriculture (330 hours) and AGAO0108 Auxiliary activities in nurseries, gardens and garden centres (250 hours), which is combined with an actual paid job that allows them to put into practice all the knowledge acquired. In addition, all participants will receive complementary training in labour insertion and employment techniques.

The course is for a total of 10 students, all of them over 30 years old, registered as job seekers and with a minimum accredited disability of 33%. All those who meet these requirements and are interested can submit their application by 4 February. All those who meet the requirements and who are interested can submit their application by 4 February. Registration must be made through the SOIB website: (highlights section) by accessing the Line 2 search engine for people aged 30 or over.

The duration of the project is nine months; it is scheduled to begin on 19 March and last until December. It takes place entirely in Raixa, which allows participants to put into practice all the knowledge acquired during the training while contributing to the recovery of agricultural areas of the publicly managed estate and maintaining its gardens in good condition.

The IMAS has been carrying out the Raixa project since 2017, with the participation of the SEPE (State Public Employment Service) and funding from the SOIB. It is one of the initiatives that the insular institution carries out to promote the socio-labour insertion of people with disabilities, including the programme “Building maintenance tools” or the arrangement of more than 1,400 places in occupational services with entities of the third social sector.