The contract for the radiological ring maintenance service is extended to 1.5 M€

Jan 28, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ The radiology ring is the network that links all the radiology services of the public hospitals of the Balearic Islands.

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The contract for the radiological ring

\ This network allows clinical professionals to have equal access to resources in the use of teleradiology.

The Consell de Govern has authorized the Health Service to extend the maintenance service contract for the software of the radiology ring, the network that links all the radiology services of the public hospitals of the Balearic Islands, for the amount of 1,556,207 €.

The Health Service launched in 2019 the radiological ring, a pioneering project in the State, which links all radiology services of hospitals and health centres so that any physician, hospital or primary care professional can see the radiological tests performed on a patient, regardless of the hospital where they were performed. This unification allows healthcare professionals to have equal access to resources in the use of teleradiology.

This unification also means that the patient is not overexposed to unnecessary radiation and helps professionals, in cases such as an urgent patient transferred from another island, to be able to see the radiological tests before he/she arrives.

The radiology services of the hospitals need a single corporate information system for all the Balearic Islands. Therefore, it was essential to initiate a new procedure to extend this maintenance contract for the network radiology software of the Health Service, so that health professionals can continue their daily work of radiological, nuclear medicine and diagnostic examinations, using the work tools for the management of patient information digitally.