Abaqua obtains the authorization for the installation of the Binidalí outfall to start up the wastewater treatment plant after a 17-year wait

Jan 29, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Directorate General of Coasts and Littoral issues the permit that will allow the occupation of the maritime-terrestrial public domain and the authorization of discharges.

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Abaqua obtains the authorization for the installation of the Binidalí

The Balearic Agency for Water and Environmental Quality (ABAQUA) has received the authorization for the installation of the Binidalí outfall, a permit consisting of the occupation of the maritime-terrestrial public domain and the authorization of discharges. This authorization, issued by the General Directorate of Coasts and Littoral, clears the way for the updating and start-up of the treatment plant inaugurated in February 2007 which, to date, has not been able to start operating.

Notified for approval or appeal at the beginning of the month, this authorization, currently under review, will mark the beginning of the review process of a project whose initial budget, before its review, amounts to 2 million euros. The process will include the incorporation of more than 40 conditioning factors, as well as economic and regulatory updates. At the same time, the necessary financing will be processed to subsequently proceed with the tendering of the works.

The initial budget for the project will be modified due to the incorporation of all the requirements and the price update, and it is expected that the execution period for the installation of the outfall will be approximately one year. The adoption of an innovative construction system, through horizontal directional drilling, has been key to overcoming the initial concern of the neighbors in the area regarding the execution of conventional works through trenches.

The authorization issued is the essential element that was missing for the Binidalí wastewater treatment plant to finally start operating. Until now, the lack of this authorization had been an insurmountable obstacle, preventing the execution of the necessary works for the plant’s operation.

The permit marks a significant milestone for an infrastructure that has faced numerous challenges since its inauguration 17 years ago. The Conselleria del Mar y del Ciclo del Agua, together with the relevant general directorates and management departments, have shown their unequivocal commitment to promoting this strategic project, essential to solve a problem that had been entrenched for almost two decades.