The vice-president of the Consell de Mallorca meets with the island’s councillors of Culture to detail the changes in the subsidies: more money, more freedom and less bureaucracy for the town councils

Feb 28, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The insular institution creates two new major items for cultural activities and equipment that municipalities will be able to distribute according to their needs, since until now they were forced to allocate small items to different services.

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The vice-president of the Consell de Mallorca meets with the island’s councillors of Culture

The vice-president of the Consell de Mallorca and councillor of Culture and Heritage, Antònia Roca, has met with the island’s councillors of Culture to explain and detail the changes that have taken place, this year 2024, in the calls for grants: “There is more money, more freedom and less bureaucracy for the municipalities”, said Roca.

The Department of Culture and Heritage has introduced changes in the calls for grants to make it easier for municipalities in Mallorca to invest in culture. Antònia Roca explained to the councillors of the 53 municipalities of the island that “two new large items have been created for cultural activities and equipment that municipalities can distribute according to their needs: they will be free to allocate the money to what they find appropriate, not as before, which were forced to allocate small items to different services, without being able to make large investments.”

“The goal is that culture reaches everyone. In previous calls there were large municipalities that concentrated many projects and small towns that did not have access to any subsidy due to excessive bureaucracy and the distribution system, which was competitive and was scored by projects presented, “explained the vice president of the Consell and Councillor for Culture and Heritage. Thus, now, “we respond to a claim of the municipalities and will carry out an equitable distribution, depending on the number of inhabitants, and will not require so much bureaucracy,” Roca has detailed. 70% of the amount will be fixed and 30%, variable and, if items are left over, will be re-distributed among the municipalities.

Specifically, explained to the vice president to the councillors of Culture, the new items are one million euros for cultural activities and 500,000 euros for municipal cultural equipment. During the meeting, the attendees expressed their satisfaction, since they were given “freedom to choose which projects they want to carry out, without impositions”. The trust and the simplification of procedures have been very well received.

In the previous calls, some lines had to be followed and marked the investments that the municipalities had to make. For example 600 euros for library furniture. The interested municipalities had to elaborate a project to carry out exactly this task. If they were not interested, because they did not need it, they could not get the money. Now they will be able to distribute the money they receive in what they need and the Consell de Mallorca will only check that it is relevant and dedicated to culture.

During the meeting, Roca was accompanied by the insular director of Culture, Guillem Ginard, and the head of subsidies of the Department, Carlos Rosselló, who explained the technical part, such as how to apply for and justify the items.