Captured how a young man urinates in the doorway of a busy street in Lloseta

Feb 28, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The lack of civility of some people does not leave the neighbours of Lloseta.

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A young man urinates in the doorway of a busy street in Lloseta

Many are the people who have complained about the appearance of excrement and urine in their streets, facades and people, who looked like people. Well, our editorial office has received a recording of Tuesday, February 27, in which you can see how a man, to name it somehow, urinates inside a doorway.

A young man urinates in the doorway of a busy street in Lloseta
A young man urinates in the doorway of a busy street in Lloseta

The facts that have captured a neighbour occurred the evening of Tuesday 27 February, in the street of Guillem Horrach. Surprised at the fact of seeing helplessly, as a person entered the portal of his home and stole belongings from it, he captured in images the recklessness but was perplexed when the individual began to urinate inside his portal.
This Editorial Office has already collected the testimonies of several neighbours of the adjoining streets who have told local authorities that this was a very serious incident.

Joven orina en el portal de una concurrida calle de Lloseta 2 1
A young man urinates in the doorway of a busy street in Lloseta

To make matters worse, the facts could extend to neighbouring streets, supposedly and according to the recordings, the urine would be from a neighbour, who has been identified in the images.

Joven orina en el portal de una concurrida calle de Lloseta 1 1

This Editorial Office has already collected the testimonies of several neighbours of the adjoining streets who have told the local authorities that urine appeared on their facades, which they believed to be from people. This is where reality overcomes fiction.