The subsidy plan for the rehabilitation of facades of Inca generates an investment of more than 600,000 euros

Feb 29, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

A total of 34 properties in the capital of Raiguer will receive this aid, which amounts to 150,000 euros and helps to boost the local economy and improve the image of the city.
The deadline to execute the works projects is extended until June 30.

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The subsidy plan for the rehabilitation of facades of Inca

29/02/2024. One more year, the City Council of Inca has launched 2023 the call for grants for the conservation, restoration and rehabilitation of facades of real estate in the urban area of the municipality. Thus, under this latest call, a total of 34 projects are being developed that will involve a total investment of 614,312.30 euros.

“The purpose of this subsidy plan is to contribute, year after year, to promote works to improve facades to maintain real estate in a good state of conservation, thus extending the life of the urban heritage of the city and ensuring the safety of pedestrians; while improving the image of Inca,” says the councilman of Urbanism, Andreu Caballero.

In this sense, the mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno, emphasizes that “in parallel, with these aids, we contribute to promote and maintain the economic fabric of the municipality, especially the construction sector”.

Specifically, the consistory inquer subsidizes the amount of 149,019.31 euros through two lines of aid, one for listed buildings located in the old town and another for buildings located in the widening area. Thus, 18 projects will benefit from the first line of aid, with an approximate subsidy of between 2,000 and 6,000 euros. On the other hand, another 16 projects in the Ensanche are subsidized, with grants ranging from 1,000 to 6,000 euros, under the second line.

Thus, a total of 34 properties will be able to benefit from this 2023 call for subsidies, which will be activated again in 2024. The execution of the works of these projects of rehabilitation and restoration of the facades can be carried out until June 30, as well as approved yesterday during the plenary session of February. In this way, the deadline has been extended by three months, at the request of the people who had applied for the aid.