The Consell de Mallorca presents the Flor de Almendro 2024 Award to food journalist Lydia Esther Corral

Mar 1, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Economic Promotion and Local Development
The insular institution and the IGP Almond of Mallorca have given her the award for her long career in the dissemination of the local product and cuisine.

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The Consell de Mallorca presents the Flor de Almendro 2024

The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, presented this Thursday the Flor de Almendro award to the Mallorcan gastronomic journalist Lydia Esther Corral, in a ceremony held at the Son Gallard Vell almond farm in Palma.

The Consell de Mallorca and the IGP Almendra de Mallorca have decided to grant her the award, which this year celebrates its third edition, for her long career in the dissemination of the local product and cuisine, with more than 25 years as a food journalist in the newspaper Última Hora.

Llorenç Galmés has highlighted the magnificent work done by the journalist in the dissemination of the products of our land, and in this particular case, the almond of Mallorca. “We thank Lydia E. Corral for her contribution to the knowledge of the products of Mallorca, our traditions and recipes that have contributed to understand a little more deeply our Mallorcan society,” said the president at the beginning of his speech.

“Our Mallorcan almond, is much more than an extraordinary fruit of excellent quality in all its varieties and with its own flavor, very characteristic”, because, as explained by the president “the almond of Mallorca is also part of our landscape; beautiful in these months of the year, and the primary sector; essential in the food chain and in the conservation of our fields”.

The ceremony was attended by the island councilor of Economic Promotion and Local Development, Pilar Amate; the general director of Food Quality and Local Product of the Balearic Government, Joan Llabrés; the president of the Regulatory Council of the IGP Almond of Mallorca, Miquel Riera and the island director of Commerce, Alfredo Arias, among other representatives of agricultural entities and quality brands.

For her part, the Councilor for Economic Promotion has highlighted the value of a product that is grown in our land, and remarked that “its production and processing is within a defined geographical area that makes it unique and incomparable”. “Its consumption is very versatile: as an appetizer; as an undisputed ingredient in many of our desserts, some as popular as the Mallorcan almond ‘gató’; or as a featured product in countless recipes of traditional Mallorcan cuisine, which makes it a fruit so much ours,” said the councilor in her speech.

Thus, the president of the IGP Almond of Mallorca, Miquel Riera, wanted to thank the award-winning intervention “to help in the dissemination of the qualities of this local product so much ours and to remember its link with our land and culture. In this sense, he encouraged everyone to “continue with the collaboration between the entire primary and food sector, disseminate what is done, which is good and a lot, and the good work in the field,” and also celebrated the growing numbers year after year of the PGI.

After the words and the award ceremony, the more than 150 people attending the event were able to taste an appetizer of different products with almonds from Mallorca. The prize was a handmade ceramic pot with a motif of an almond, the work of the well-known ceramist Miquel Segura.