Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Environment makes a new CAP 2023 aid payment of more than 4.2 million euros

Mar 1, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Environment, through the Agricultural and Fisheries Guarantee Fund of the Balearic Islands (FOGAIBA), has begun to pay the first balance payments of the eco-schemes of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2023. In total, it is 2,808,642.48 euros distributed in 2,831 files. In addition, FOGAIBA has made a new payment of the balance of the associated and complementary aid lines for a total amount of 1,397,276.9 euros. Thus, this week a disbursement of more than 4.2 million euros has been made.

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Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Environment makes a new CAP 2023 aid payment

In this regard, the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Environment, Joan Simonet, wanted to emphasize that “the novelty is that we started to pay the eco-regimes, for a total value of more than 2.8 million euros. Until now we had not been able to pay because the Ministry had not uploaded the data. Now we are getting into a good rhythm of payment to be able to transfer these new funds to the sector.”

In detail, as for the eco-regimes resolved files, 2,831 in total, 1,003 correspond to those of extensive grazing, with an amount of 817. 090.49 euros; seven files are from the eco-regimes Mowing and biodiversity to pasture areas, with an amount of 544.32 euros; one file from the eco-regimes of biodiversity to pasture areas, with a value of 736.92 euros; 18 resolved files from the eco-regimes of direct sowing on arable land, totaling 47. 119.109 euros, and 1,802 dossiers corresponding to the eco-regimes of crop rotation with improving species, amounting to 1,943,151.65 euros.

Balance payment

As regards the payment of the balance of other CAP aids, reference is made to the basic aid lines of the sustainability income (formerly basic payment); the redistributive supplementary aid (small and medium farms); the supplementary income aid for young farmers (formerly young aid); and the associated aid: to the sustainable production of proteins of vegetable origin (formerly associated aid Plan Proteico); to nut producers in risk areas (formerly associated aid nuts); to olive groves with specific difficulties and high environmental value (formerly associated aid to olive groves with specific difficulties); for extensive beef cattle breeders (beef cattle aid); for extensive and semi-extensive sheep and goat breeders (sheep/goat aid) and for extensive and semi-extensive sheep and goat breeders without pastures at their disposal and who graze areas with stubble, fallow land and fruit and vegetable leftovers (sheep/goat stubble aid).

With this new payment, together with the advances paid in November, the two balance payments made in December and January, FOGAIBA will have already paid 25,622,333.57 euros of the CAP 2023.

In detail, there are 2,609 beneficiaries: 2,211 from Mallorca, who will receive a total of 3,550,758.18 euros; 183 beneficiaries from Menorca, to whom a total of 491,269.24 euros has been paid; 166 beneficiaries from Ibiza, with files for a total value of 92,640.47 euros; 31 beneficiaries from Formentera, who will receive a total of 13,589.41 euros and 18 beneficiaries from the Peninsula, for an amount of 57,662.08 euros.

The distribution of the more than 1.3 million Euros detailed by line is as follows: as regards the basic income assistance for sustainability, 675,738.28 Euros have been paid corresponding to 229 files; of the redistributive assistance complementary to the income for sustainability, a total of 104,925.21 Euros have been paid for 280 files. As for the supplementary income support for young farmers, 24 files have been resolved for a total value of 53,215.50 Euros.

As for the aid associated with the sustainable production of proteins of vegetable origin, a payment of 102,486.81 Euros has been made out of a total of 196 dossiers; of the aid associated with nut producers in risk areas, 618 dossiers have been resolved with a value of 303,318.74 Euros. As for the aid associated with olive groves, a payment of 95,213.15 euros has been made for 148 files.

As for the associated aid for extensive beef cattle breeders, 16 files have been resolved for a value of 33,787.17 euros; for the associated aid for extensive and semi-extensive sheep and goat breeders, 32 files have been resolved for a total amount of 27,690.44 euros. As for the aid associated with extensive and semi-extensive sheep and goat farmers without pastures at their disposal or who use the pastures of other horticultural crops or cereal fallow land, seven files have been resolved with a final amount of 901.60 euros.

It should be recalled that the applications for CAP 2023 aid were submitted between March 1 and June 15, 2023 and their payment began on October 16 until November 30 as an advance, and on December 1 until June 30 the payment of the balance.