Unemployment falls by 7,452 in February to 2,760,408, the lowest figure since 2008 for this month

Mar 4, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The number of unemployed persons registered in the offices of the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) at the end of February has decreased by 7,452 persons in January (-0.27%).

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Unemployment falls by 7,452 in February to 2,760,408

The total stood at 2,760,408 people, 150,607 fewer than in February 2023 (-5.17%). This is the lowest figure since 2008 for this month.

Unemployment also fell in seasonally adjusted terms by 28,249 people.

Unemployment by sector
Concerning January, unemployment falls in Services by 8,548 persons (-0.43%), Construction by 2,433 persons (-1.14%), Industry by 1,865 persons (-0.86%) and Agriculture by 315 persons (-0.32%).

Unemployment increased among the Unemployed by 5,709 persons (2.33%).

Unemployment by sex and age
Female unemployment stands at 1,655,566 women, decreasing by 3,311 (-0.20%) about January.

As for male unemployment, it stands at 1,104,842 men after falling by 4,141 (-0.37%).

Women’s unemployment fell more in absolute year-on-year terms: 88,654 women (-5.08%) compared to 61,953 men (-5.31%).

Unemployment among young people under 25 years of age increased in February by 6,601 persons (3.28%) compared to the previous month.

Unemployment by autonomous community
Unemployment rose in six autonomous communities, with Aragón (667), Madrid (465) and Navarra (374) leading the way.

Unemployment fell in February in 11 Autonomous Communities. The biggest falls in absolute figures were in Andalusia (-4,110), the Valencian Community (-1,552) and Castile and Leon (-704).

Hiring in February
The total number of contracts registered during February was 1,137,407.

There were 523,445 indefinite-term employment contracts, representing 46.02% of all contracts.

Unemployment benefits
The number of beneficiaries at the end of the month was 1,922,316.

The average recognition period for January 2024 was 1.9 days, 2.4% less than in the same month of the previous year.

The coverage rate of the unemployment protection system during January 2024 was 73.89%, and the same indicator in January 2023 was 69.25%, an increase of 6.7%. This is the highest value since 2011.

The average monthly expenditure per beneficiary, not including the agricultural subsidy in Andalusia and Extremadura, last January was €1,105, which represents an increase over the same month of the previous year of €33.9 (3.2%).

Total expenditure in January 2024 amounted to 2,080.8 million euros.