The Government highlights its commitment to applying artificial intelligence to administrative simplification at Innovation Day

Mar 11, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Director General Xisco Cànovas highlights how generative AI can streamline procedures and reduce administrative burdens

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Artificial intelligence

The director general of Administrative Simplification, Modernisation and Digital Administration, Xisco Cànovas, highlighted this Thursday at the Innovation Day held at the Ateneo Mercantil in Valencia the commitment of the Government of the Balearic Islands to advance in the application of generative artificial intelligence (AI) to the regional administration, to improve the relationship with citizens and achieve a greater simplification of administrative procedures and processes.

“It can personalise responses and provide more efficient solutions by analysing different queries and contexts,” he explained at the round table, which was also attended by the Generalitat Valenciana’s Director General for Information and Communication Technologies, José Manuel García, and the regional secretary for Planning, Information and Digital Transformation of the Generalitat Valenciana, Bernardo Valdivieso.

In the case of administrative simplification, Cànovas highlighted how AI streamlines procedures and reduces the administrative burden, for example by automating the validation of documents. “If you provide fast and accurate answers, AI improves the citizen’s experience,” he said. “Today, public administrations are not mature enough to delegate the resolution of a grant award to a robot. The key lies in learning the algorithm,” he added.

The director general of the Government of the Balearic Islands acknowledged some of the main challenges involved in implementing generative AI in the administration as a whole, such as the cultural adaptation of public organisations, the protection of personal data, the training of administrative staff to understand it, and the need for ethics and transparency. Even so, “although it entails challenges, the positive impact it can have on administrative simplification and citizen service is undeniable”.

He also stressed that intergovernmental collaboration “is key to realising the full potential in the public sector”. “By joining forces, governments can move towards a more efficient, citizen-centred and technologically advanced administration”, he concluded.

Valencia Innovation Day is a forum organised by Inetum, SAP and Intel, which this year has had AI as the central theme of all the round tables and presentations that took place.