The Bit Foundation incorporates Artificial Intelligence in the development of software for the Government of the Balearic Islands

Mar 12, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Bit Foundation incorporates Artificial Intelligence in the development of software for the Government of the Balearic Islands
Its use will improve its applications and platforms to adapt to the changing needs of citizens and anticipate future demands.

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Artificial Intelligence

Some of the applications that will be improved will be the online appointment requests or the citizen folder.

The Bit Foundation, the main body of the Government of the Balearic Islands for the promotion of technological innovation in the autonomous community, will incorporate Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) technologies in the development of software products designed for the Balearic Executive.

Thus, these technological projects that are carried out from different technical areas of the Bit Foundation and that operate through the implementation of a multitude of software projects will be improved thanks to the use of these tools based on this new technology.

The tools based on AGI that have recently reached the market have revolutionised how different content and products are produced, including software development. This type of artificial intelligence is characterised by the fact that it creates content by itself, thanks to the use of algorithms that allow learning based on existing examples and from which new ones are generated.

Thus, the IAG applied to software development allows developers to generate the necessary computer code for programs without having to produce every detail of it and automatically generating, from the given instructions, a wide range of functions such as machine learning algorithms, mathematical functions, scripts for data processing, or user interface design, among others.

The new IAG tools that will be used for the development of technological products of the Bit Foundation will improve these essential services for the proper internal functioning of the various public administrations of the Balearic Islands, as well as for citizens.

With these improvements, the Bit Foundation seeks not only to increase the operational efficiency of government systems but also to promote a more accessible and transparent public administration, optimize decision-making and personalize interactions with users.

Innovation at the service of citizens

The use of GPI will allow the Bit Foundation to improve its applications and platforms to adapt to the changing needs of citizens and anticipate future demands. These technologies will be applied in various fields, such as health, education, social services, tourism and e-government, ensuring that public services are more efficient and sustainable.

Some of the projects that will benefit from the use of this new technology are widely used and well-known in Balearic society. Some examples of these are:

BITCITA is a Government-wide corporate software that allows citizens to request appointments for different services such as, for example, appointments for vaccinations, primary medicine, SOIB or IBAVI.
RESCAB and ALBERGS, an online booking software for the Cabrera Natural Park and the Government’s shelters and refuges.
Carpeta Ciudadana is the point of communication between the citizen and the administration for consulting procedures, documentation, certificates and notifications.
Health Tracker is a tool developed by the Bit Foundation and Son Espases Hospital to measure the results of health services through an application.
Commitment to excellence and ethics in software development

Concerning the implementation of this new technology, not without controversy, the manager of the Bit Foundation, Sebastián González, has assured that the Bit Foundation “is committed to following the best practices and ethical standards in the implementation of AI, ensuring that all solutions developed are safe, fair and respectful of the privacy of users”; and that “transparency and accountability will be fundamental pillars in the development and deployment of these technologies in our entity”.